Tag: Germany

Germany to Make a Decision on Deporting Afghans ~ Poll

While not all prominent names such as Hirsi Ali agrees with me, if you are regular reader of Logan’s Warning you know that I am all for the mass deportations of Muslims (those who are eligible for it) from Western Civilization. Which is for two reasons.

Germany Cracks Down on the Call for Caliphate

For those who are new to the subject of Islam, the Caliphate is the leader of the Muslim community, AKA the ummah. Which is what Muslims are calling for in Germany. Which in turn would create another government within Germany. A hostile one that calls for the dominance over the manmade laws of Germany.

Muslims “Assimilating” in Germany

This is exactly what I predicted would happen over a decade ago. That once Muslims felt they have enough power they will rise up and call for Islamic rule across the West. Today we see an example of this infiltration in Germany.

The Islamic Suicide of Germany!

On Facebook yesterday there was a lot of talk about an article on German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The article was entitled “Angela Merkel: Germany will become Islamic State!” Off the bat it seemed it was good that she was acknowledging the fate of Germany if Islam and Muslim immigration, are not confronted head on.

Germany to Accept Islam as an Official Religion?!

Recently anti-Islamic political parties have been forming in Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel told Muslims in her country, they cannot live by Sharia, Germany’s Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich went after Islam on his first day on the job, and Germany has even applied Anti-Nazi laws on two non-violent pro-Sharia Islamic groups. So why would they want to go down the road of possibly recognizing Islam as an official religion? Don’t recognize it, fight it!

Germany’s Interior Minister Takes on Islam on First day on job!

Just minutes ago I posted about France’s Nicolas Sarkozy bringing the threat of Islam to a national debate. Now we see Germany’s Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich wasting no time and jumping into the fray! He is not the first German authority figure to jump into this fight. Some recent examples of this are, Chancellor Angela Merkel stating that Muslims cannot live by Shariah Law if they want to live there, German authorities applying anti-Nazi laws against two non-violent pro-Shariah Islamic organizations, a German court telling a Muslim he cannot pray in school, and the Pro NRW political party receiving the funding to open up an anti-Islamic headquarters. The tide is turning…

Germany Applies Anti-Nazi Laws on Two Non-Violent Pro-Sharia Islamic Groups!

Well, it’s about time that a non-Muslim country gets it right. I tip my hat to Germany for overcoming the politically correct disease, and doing what is necessary to protect Western Civilization. Back in October Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, stated that Muslims cannot live by Sharia in Germany. At the time I remember several people on numerous sites, saying it was just talk. Considering the fact that the West has more than its share of weak leaders, I didn’t blame them for thinking that. But thankfully, she has proven them wrong.