Tag: Europe

UK Muslims: We WILL NOT Integrate! ~ law and Order go to Hell! ~ Video

For years I have been saying that Muslims across the West are not here to assimilate, and it was just a matter of time until they called for Islamic Law to trumph our laws. Well that time is here. Now the question is what should non-Muslims do about it? If it were up to me Sharia Law would be officially banned, and those calling for it arrested and if possible deported. If you want Sharia you do NOT belong in a non-Islamic country. Treason!

Germany Applies Anti-Nazi Laws on Two Non-Violent Pro-Sharia Islamic Groups!

Well, it’s about time that a non-Muslim country gets it right. I tip my hat to Germany for overcoming the politically correct disease, and doing what is necessary to protect Western Civilization. Back in October Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, stated that Muslims cannot live by Sharia in Germany. At the time I remember several people on numerous sites, saying it was just talk. Considering the fact that the West has more than its share of weak leaders, I didn’t blame them for thinking that. But thankfully, she has proven them wrong.

The Islamic Theft of Sweden~ Video

Mr. Pat Condell tells it like it is in this disturbing video, that talks about the cowardice of the journalists and politicians of Sweden, and how Muslim immigration is a death sentence to Western Civilization. I wish the best to Sweden, but things are not looking good there. Major cities like Malmo are under assault by Islam. This problem is not unique to Sweden though, it is happening to non-Islamic countries across the West. These are countries that are slowly being devoured by Islam. Mark my words, if non-Islamic countries do not end Muslim immigration, it is just a matter of time until Islam dominates the West. Weak politicians combined with Islam, will be our death.

UK: Muslims “Feel Intimidated”

About ten days ago, I posted a video which showed us that Muslims in Europe are starting to feel the heat of the anti-Islam movement. Today we learn that things are getting hotter for Muslims in the UK, and of course they are whining about it. As usual the Islamic community is a one-way street. It is alright when Muslims there take to the streets and call for Sharia Law to dominate the UK, while others call for war from their Sharia Courts. It is also alright when Muslims march across the UK in a show of Islamic unity, and when Sharia loving Muslims act like this…

UK: Demonstration to Defend the Symbols of Islam

Whether it is conferences in America, Italy, Scandinavia, the UK, or on Facebook or YouTube, Muslims are uniting in their non-stop effort to takeover the West. The question is, will non-Muslims unite in time to stop them? Or will we continue to argue amongst ourselves, as to whether there is even a threat of Islam or not? I urge everyone to ask themselves if they want their families future generations, to be forced to live under Islamic rule? Because that is what is coming, if we lose this war.

Sharia vs anti-Sharia Chaos on the Streets of London~ Video

Islam, the great divider has struck again. I don’t understand why more people did not see this coming? To me and many others it was obvious to see that as Muslim immigration continued, the push for Sharia Law would get stronger. Muslims in the UK were foolishly allowed to have their own Sharia Courts, and now they want more power. They want Sharia introduced into the UK for all. If this movement is not put to rest, the day is coming where Muslims in the UK will feel that they have enough power, and they will start forcing non-Muslims to use their courts. Personally I see a civil war coming to the UK.

Islam Marches Across the UK~ Video

Here we have another video from the UK, which shows us just how bad things have gotten there with Islam. The country’s culture is being wiped out. I continually put out the call to end Muslim immigration, and hope that this video will convince more people to join me in this call. Time is running out…

UK: Supermarket Giant Opens Halal Meat Counter

This move is obviously legal, and might seem like no big deal to many people. But it is another step forward in the Islamification of Western Civilization. As Muslim immigration continues to roll in, we will see more changes like this. As Muslims start to dominate entire neighborhoods, we will see more stores go halal only. As Muslims start to dominate entire cities, we will see Western Civilization being wiped away. Is that what you want for your families future generations? End Muslim immigration, or Western Civilization as we know it, will die. It is that simple.

Paris: 400 Restaurants Serving Halal Food

I understand the concept of the free market, and the desire to make money. I also understand that continually catering to a religion that is hellbent on world domination, is a mistake. If non-Muslims continue to cater to Islam, one day they will wake up and not even recognize their own country. The choice is theirs.