Tag: Dr. Zuhdi Jasser

Son of Hamas to Muslims: Reform Islam

For those who do not know of the “Son of Hamas”, he is Mosab Hassan Yousef. The son of Hamas cofounder Sheikh Hassan Yousef. An incredibly brave man who has done amazing work on exposing the root cause of the Israel vs. Palestine conflict. Which is Islam itself.

A Q & A With Dr. Zuhdi Jasser

Well friends,……..this is quite an honor. Sorry, I am trembling in anticipation over this once in a lifetime event. Today we have been invited to spend our afternoon in a Q & A with America’s #1 “reformer” of Islam. Please welcome the one and only Dr. Zuhdi Jasser!!!!! (Applause)

Zuhdi Jasser Says Islam Will Reform, I State why it Will NOT

For years I have been saying that when it comes to Islam, in the end it will be life as we know it, or Islamic rule. It’s time to take a side. Unfortunately that it is a reality that much of the West does not want to face. Many wanting to believe that in the end there will be so kind of peaceful coexistence with Islam. But where do we see that happening? America? Britain? Canada? Denmark? France? Germany? Holland? India? etc.

New Segment: Jasser Watch

When it comes to Islam and Muslims, it is a two-tier threat. The first is the threat of violent jihadists, and the second and more dangerous tier is what I like to call insidious Islam, or stealth jihad. In which Muslims have successfully turned our freedoms into tools of Islam.

Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence Pt. ll

Some of the main reasons we are losing the war with Islam is because of the lack of will to stop respecting it as a religion. The lack of will to drive it from America (or other non-Islamic countries, in a non-violent manner), and finally the non-Muslim need to believe in the fantasy that Islam will reform into an ideology that is non-Muslim friendly. Or something”peaceful” as Hirsi Ali puts it.