355 search results for "uk sharia"

~Muslims Plan March On Washington To Support A United Shariah Of America!~

As expected, Muslims across the world have started to lock arms in their quest to impose Shariah Law (Islamic Law) on all. For the most part, Muslims in America had confined this call to their barracks…..,errr, I mean Mosques and Islamic conferences. Now, in a brazen display of united force, Muslims calling for the adoption of Shariah in this country plan to march near the White House on March 3rd. The leader of the pack is the U.K.’s Anjem Choudary, a Muslim cleric.

Protest Against the Proposed Ground Zero Sharia Mosque! ~ 1/12~ POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER

Good afternoon everyone! I just wanted to remind those who are in the NY area, that there is another Pamela Geller lead anti-Ground Zero Mosque rally coming up. The date is this Wednesday the 12Th, and the location is 49-51 Chambers Street, 12:45PM. So please bundle up, and do you part by showing up in force against the proposed Sharia Mosque!

Chicago: Muslim Congressman Ellison to Speak at Sharia Convention Dec 23-27 2010

Two of North Americas well known Islamic organizations, the Muslim American Society, and the Islamic Circle of North America are joining together and holding a five-day long convention. One of the top subjects will be Sharia Law. The convention is going to take place at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare
9300 Bryn Mawr Avenue Rosemont, IL. Phone: 402-592-6464 / 888-421-1442. To make matters worse, Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota’s 5th District will be a guest speaker at the event. Now one has to wonder, where does his loyalty really lay? With the US Constitution or is he using the Constitution to advance Islam?

UK: Muslims and True Brits Clash in the Streets Again~ Video

One again we get a look at what Muslim immigration brings to the West. The true Brits of the English Defense League (EDL), are taking a stand against the whiny Muslims of the Muslim Defense League (MDL). I call the EDL true Brits because they want to keep Britishness in the UK, and will not bow down to Sharia Law. The non-Muslims who support the MDL should be ashamed at themselves, for not even having the guts to stand up for life as they know it.