1418 search results for "Ali"

Obama/Gates: We Recognize the Taliban

Just the other day the Pentagon erased the Islamic factor from the Fort Hood shooting. This afternoon we have Obama and Co. recognizing the enemy and they are accepting them into the political landscape of Afghanistan. Those that are supposed to be leading us, are not leading us in the right direction. I am sure that this will workout for the best….

Report Cites ‘radicalization’ of US prisoners

Besides pushing the Islam is a religion of peace falsehood across America to get the uninformed to convert to Islam, Muslims also target those in prison who are already mad at “the system”. Many of these converts are drawn into the violent aspect of Islam. “Peaceful” Muslims want to dominate us and violent Muslims want to kill us. Either way we lose. Islam must be stopped!

UK Bishop: Taliban can be Admired

Although Muslims of the UK are looking to shove Sharia Law down the throats of everyone there, for the most part the Church is silent. Well that is except when they have a chance to support the enemy,just like they did when they came out in favor of the UK Sharia Courts. The slow suicide continues.

Muslim Radicalization Gains Momentum in US: Analysts

For years myself and many others have been saying to look to the UK to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam. Unfortunately not enough of the country was listening. While the voices against Islam are on the rise here, we need more Americans to face the reality that Islam destroys from within and we are quickly heading down the same road as the UK. It should of never been allowed to be practiced here in the first place.