1403 search results for "Ali"

The UK’s Ali Dawah Gets Caught out AGAIN

I wasn’t planning on writing an article today but I came across a video from Ali Dawah that makes for a short rebuttal. While the video is over an hour, all I ask is that you watch the first minute and half or so.

Taliban Victim Malala Yousafza Calls for Mass Muslim Immigration into the West

For those who do not remember, Malala Yousafza was shot in the face by the Taliban. A sad story for sure, but there is much more to it than what the mainstream media tells us. While the media solely portrays her as a victim and champion of human rights, there is sinister side to her. One that is out to destroy Western Civilization as we know it.

A Logan’s Warning Interview With Imam Dawud Walid

Those who follow the this site most likely know that the MSM is complicit with the Islam assisted cultural suicide of the West that is taking place. That is why I love to do my own reporting on this issue. Because only the truth will set our future generations free from the chains of Islam.

Clarion & Apostate Ali: Give us More Money so we can Further Mislead the Public

Ever since 911 Western policy has been a futile effort to sort out the so called “good” Muslims from the bad. Which includes the support of so called reformers like Zuhdi Jasser. A policy that is clearly not working across the West though. Because the West is clearly being changed to suit Islam. This policy is just a feel good fantasy which implies that one day we will have a peaceful coexistence with Islam. Which is something much of the public obviously wants to hear. Because most people do not want to fight this perpetual war.

Aposte Hirsi Ali: We Must Reach out to the Reformers

Or in Other Words, Let us Continue With the Islamicide of West

Back in March of 2015 Apostate Hirsi Ali, who I will call Apostate Ali, released a book entitled “Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now”. In response I wrote a three part rebuttal. In it I exposed the fact that she has no answers. Just the usual fantasy of an Islamic reformation. As she is against banning the burqa, against banning all Muslim immigration, against the mass deportations of Muslims, and against banning the Koran.

Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence Pt. lll

As we left off in part II of “Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence”, Ali failed to identify the main threat of Islam. The lawful jihad that is taking place across the West, a jihad that is changing the West to suit Islam. Which has brought in aspects of Sharia, such as Sharia banking, Sharia Courts, halal only in over 50 UK public schools, and the Islamic call to prayer (adhan) being broadcast onto the streets with no concern for the wants and beliefs of non-Muslims, etc.

Her completely ignoring this threat raises a red flag to me, as does her reluctance to want Muslims deported from non-Islamic countries.