284 search results for "Muslim comment"

Lawmakers: Afghan Leader Threatens to Join Taliban!

Is this finally the last straw? Will we now wake up, and realize that we have no Muslim allies? They are using us for our money, and to gain power. In the end they will stand with Islam against us. It is time to bring the troops home, drill where we can, and end all Muslim immigration and aid. As I have been saying for years, it will be us or them. There will be no middle ground, so take a side.

France: 8 Restaurants go Halal Only, Protest Ensues

Muslim immigration slowly leads to Muslims taking over neighborhoods. Which leads to many businesses picking greed over protecting life as they know it. Catering to Islam will just lead to more demands, and the bottom line is that if Muslim immigration is not stopped, it will lead to the end of Western Civilization as we know it. Take a stand against Islam now, or your families future generations will suffer later. The choice is yours.

Islamic Scholar’s “Islam is Peace” Fatwa Undone

Here we have another Islamic scholar trying to pull the wool over our eyes, by telling us that Islam and terrorism are not connected, among a few other things which I will kindly correct for him.

Suicide bombers non-believers: Scholar

LONDON – A Muslim scholar issued Tuesday, March 2, a 600-page fatwa condemning people who are carrying out suicide operations as “non-believers”.

13 Republicans Challenge Pentagon on Their “Moderate” Islam Program

While others might not want to say it, I will. The Pentagon’s whitewashing of the Islamic factor in the Fort Hood shooting, was just pathetic, and their policy that some form “moderate” Islam is coming to the rescue is a failure. It is the same policy that the UK is pursuing, and it does not work there either. Thankfully over a dozen Republicans are challenging the Pentagon, and their relationship with their so called “moderate” Muslim advisors. This article shows us just how little research the Pentagon has actually done on their own on Islam. They just want to be blindly spoon fed, what “moderate” Muslims are feeding them. It is time for them to grab the bull by the horns, do their own research, and recognize what enemy is. That enemy is Islam itself.

Tonight: Congressional Candidate Lynne Torgerson~ Live Interview!

I know that plenty of us are excited about political candidate Lynne Torgerson, who recently stated that our country needs to wake up to the threat of political Islam. Well tonight she will be doing a live interview on the “Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Conservatism” radio show. Details on tonight’s show are below, and please call in to voice your support. Thanks!