284 search results for "Muslim comment"

New Vote: Ground Zero Mega-Mosque Gets Approved 29-1!

In a past article about the Ground Zero mega-Mosque, board chair Julie Menin had made the following statement.

“this will be overturned by the full board” later this month.

Unfortunately she was wrong, and it was approved almost unanimously. The non-violent aspect of jihad, is even more dangerous than potential suicide bombers. Besides this punch in the face to NYC, lets not forget the second Ground Zero Mosque that is also being built. It is called ideological warfare, my friends. We need to pickup the pace on our side.

Another day, Another Islamic Threat on Logans Warning~ YAWN

Just four days ago a vicious threat was posted on my site, which I reposted in an article entitled “Islamic Terror Threat Left on Logans Warning!”. The threat was from Pakistan, and tonight this message of “peace” was left in the “Pakistan: Muslims Take to the Streets Against Facebook~ Videos” post. Each threat will only make me speak out more, keep them coming…

Iranian Cleric Calls for Iran to Dominate the Middle East

Before Obama won the election, I saw plenty of his supporters online, implying that the Islamic threat would cease to exist, if Obama took office. The threat remained. Then Obama went into his Muslim outreach mode, in which he has bent over backwards for them. The result of these policies, have been that he has made us look weak, and emboldened the Islamic world. Now Iran is rattling the cage once again, and no one is pushing back. We need a strong leader, not an Islamic appeaser.

Afghans Riot Over Death in US Night Raid

Back in March, Afghans told General McChrystal to jump, and he asked how high? He then restricted our great troops even more, and changed the policies on night raids. Apparently the General knows little about the Islamic world. He seems oblivious to the fact, that the more we give, the more they want. Their demands are never ending. Besides having the troops fight with one hand tied behind their back, it is time to move away from this nation building plan. The infidel does not get to dictate to Muslims what Islam is. It is time to bring the troops home, and end all Muslim immigration.

Survey Says: Protestant Pastors Stand Against Islam

After a complaint by the Cancer of American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Pentagon disinvited Islam critic, Rev. Franklin Graham from the upcoming National Prayer Day. The bad news is that the politically correct Pentagon remains in their “moderate” Islam fantasy, and does not want to hear the truth about Islam. The good news is that most Protestant Pastors are agreeing with Rev. Franklin Graham. Without a large Christian movement, I do not see us winning this war.

Pentagon Bows to CAIR!

Here is the update to this mornings “CAIR Takes on the Pentagon ~ Video” posting. The Pentagon which had erased the Islam factor from the Fort Hood attack, has now bowed down to the Islamic bullies of America, the Cancer of American Islamic Relations (CAIR). This cowardly act will only embolden CAIR, who will now move on and find their next victim. We have the greatest troops in the world, but their leaders that appease Islam, are only helping the enemy advance. Back in WW II, this would of been the equivalent of appeasing Nazi supporters. How times have changed.

CAIR Strikes Back at Anti-Islam Church

The Council on American Islamic Relations, has attempted to counter the anti-Islam message recently made by a Minnesota Church. Here I counter the CAIR message.

Muslim group counters St. Cloud pastor’s anti-Islam ad

The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations is launching an ad of its own to counter an ad in the St. Cloud Times last month that the group deems anti-Islam. Baptist pastor Dennis Campbell’s ad for the Granite City Baptist Church read, in part, “Moslems seek to influence a nation by immigration, reproduction, education, the government, illegal drugs and by supporting the gay agenda.” CAIR’s response ad, after the jump, bears the headline, “We are American, We are Muslim.”