276 search results for "Muslim comment"

2/3’s of Protestant Pastors Consider Islam ‘dangerous’

Those that follow the subject of Islamic expansionism, know that this can get discouraging at times. So sometimes we need some good news, and here is some. For years after 911, from what I read on the Internet was the most of the country was in support of Islam. After years of us countering the “religion of peace” lie, the tide is clearly turning against Islam. So give yourselves a hand and continue the fight!

The UK and US Sharia Push~Video

For years I have been saying to look towards the UK to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam, and the similarities of the Sharia movement can be seen in this video. The good news is that UK Muslim Anjem Choudary states that US Muslims are about 5-10 years behind in this push. Meaning that we still have time to nip this in the bud. Stating that it is not “all” Muslims and then ignoring the problem does not cut it. Below the video are some comments left by US Muslims on this issue.

UK Bishop: Taliban can be Admired

Although Muslims of the UK are looking to shove Sharia Law down the throats of everyone there, for the most part the Church is silent. Well that is except when they have a chance to support the enemy,just like they did when they came out in favor of the UK Sharia Courts. The slow suicide continues.