UK Sharia Courts: Sharia is the law of the Land, Wage war

(Repost from Islam in Action.)
When the Sharia Courts in the UK were first announced, anyone who can see past the day that they are in knew that this would lead to nothing but more demands and trouble. In a followup to the “85 Sharia Courts in UK, Says Report” story we learn what the UK Sharia Courts are calling for.

UK Bishop: Taliban can be Admired

Although Muslims of the UK are looking to shove Sharia Law down the throats of everyone there, for the most part the Church is silent. Well that is except when they have a chance to support the enemy,just like they did when they came out in favor of the UK Sharia Courts. The slow suicide continues.

Islam Taking Over Malmo Sweden~Video

While those in the UK that want to keep Britishness alive are in a fight vs. Muslims and leftists, the same problem is happening in Sweden. This is a repost from Islam in Action, but a worthy reminder. Islam and its leftist supporters are like a life threatening disease to Western civilization.

Video Collection of NY Based Islamist Groups

Here is a collection of videos made by and the Islamic Thinkers Society. Their words speak for themselves. NY’t Feel bad for 911 Victims~Video NYC based has made a 911 statement. In this video Younus Abdullah Muhammad…

Islam 101: The Religion of War

Those that follow the subject of Islam constantly come across Muslims and Islamic apologists who will say anything to cover for Islam. Some of the most common are: that Islam is a religion of peace and another is the “defensive war” con.

Muslims and their apologists continually tell us that Muslims can only wage war in a defensive response, if they were attacked first.