554 search results for "threat"

Attack Muslims ~ Empower Islam~ It’s That Simple

Every time I hear of violent attack on Muslims in non-Islamic countries I ask myself the same question. Why? Why are some people so foolish? If the so called logic behind the attack was to defeat Islam, the perpetrators has made a very costly mistake for two reasons.

Atlanta Mosque Teaching Kids Islamic Law

Do we believe that Muslims in America are different from Muslims elsewhere? Are we still holding onto that fantasy of wishful thinking? I’m not and unlike the mainstream media will continue to expose the internal threat of Islam in America. In doing so today we take a flashback to the Al-Farooq Mosque out of Atlanta Georgia. A mosque that I reported on back in later 2013. Documenting Imam Mohammad Khalid’s calls for Qurbani. A sacrifice….I mean bloodfest for Allah.

Ilhan Omar and Mehdi Hassan are Getting “Exhausted” in the Information war!

It’s working my friends! There is a reason why I continue to say in order to win the war with Islam we must win the information war against Muslim propagandists. Which is something they obviously know as well. The bad news for them though is that we have them greatly outnumbered, and need to use that to our advantage.

US Based IslamiCity.Org ~ Only Islamic Law is Acceptable

I admit it, right after 911 the day Islam shook America, I believed that Muslims in America were different from Muslims elsewhere. For instance, different from Muslims in the UK where they are clearly and selfishly changing the country to suit Islam. Showing no concerns at all for the wants and beliefs of the non-Muslim majority there.

London Holds Muslim Golf Day

While this event might seem benign to most people it is certainly part of the malignant spread of the cancer of Islam. The reason being is that it creates an illusion that “normalizes” Islam in the UK. While getting non-Muslims to respect aspects of Islamic Law.

PJ Media ~ Spreading False Hope and Misinformation on Islam and Israel

I have said it over and over, and will continue to do so. We cannot win the war with Islam if we cannot win the war against Muslim propagandists. Which is an endless war. Now to make matters worse the supposedly conservative PJ Media has followed in the footsteps of Rebel News and is aiding the enemy by misleading the public on Islam itself.

The US Army Trained the Saudis to Protect Mecca

I am well aware that this is not going to be a pleasant article to read. Unfortunately truths are not always pleasant but sometimes they just cannot be ignored. This is one of those times. I hate to say it, but I have to say it. This is absolutely disgraceful. Not only are US politicians Saudi puppets, but so is the US Military. Isn’t protecting America supposed to be the main function of the US Army? Yet here they are empowering what is out to destroy life as we know it. Islam.

Muslim Comment of the day #10 ~ a Fight for Perversion

If you know of my work you know that I pull no punches. Which is what I will continue to do. Because sugarcoating the threat that Islam is to our future generations only empowers it. Which leads us to the need to know the mindset of the foot soldiers of Islam. The Muslim mindset. A highly disturbing mindset that is stuck in past. Which is exactly where it belongs, but unfortunately is still allowed to migrate into non-Islamic countries.

Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar Calls for Nukes to Deal with Israel

Wait a second! How can this be? Is the Kuwaiti scholar of Islam not paying attention?! Did he not get the memo?! According to Pamela Geller of the Geller Report, and Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum (MEF), the Abraham Accords (so called peace deals between Israel and a handful of Muslim majority countries) were supposed to bring peace to the Middle East. Obviously they haven’t. In fact they have made things worse.

Our Saudi “Allies” Call for a World Muslim Meeting Against Israel

Unlike other sites we here at Logan’s Warning don’t play the fantasy Islam game. We also don’t play the we can trust Muslims game. Instead we stick to the harsh realities when it comes to the Islamic threat. No matter how unpleasant they are. Two being that Islam is not going to magically reform, and that giving Muslims the benefit of the doubt is a proven cultural suicide.