Category: Uncategorized

Jews to Confront NY Islamist!

Here is another example of the voices against Islam being on the rise. This time the target is NY Muslim Yousef al-Khattab of, who has is very open with his hatred of Israel and America. This will be interesting.

US Maj. Gen. Jeffery Hammond: Islam is a Beautiful Religion

First off I would like to say that this story is from June, but I am posting it again for two reasons. The first is to remind us just how ignorant many US military leaders are when it comes to Islam. The second reason it to have this info on my new site. Yesterday the FBI announced that they will be doing an investigation into the Islamic terrorist attack at Fort Hood. They want to learn what happened before the shooting, as all the warning signs were there about Hasan and no one had the guts to do a thing about it. They were frozen with fear and did not want to offend Islam.

This Major General Hammond is also part of the problem, as he is selling the Islam is a religion of peace lie

UK: English Defence League’s Anthem~Video

“I’m England till the day I die” is the slogan for this brave group of Brits that want to keep Britishness alive. Their opposition is the United Against Fascism organization, which is made up of Muslims and leftists. Here is the EDL anthem. BTW, there is a slight message in this video for the Muslims that think that they are going to take the island. Enjoy!

F.B.I. Sets New Review of Shootings at Ft. Hood

Roughly a month since the worst Islamic terrorist attack on US soil since 911, the FBI is going to investigate how things were handled with Hasan before the attack. That is great, but the reality is that no matter what guidelines are put into place, if everyone is afraid to enforce them out of political correctness the guidelines will not matter. They will be meaningless, just like our immigration laws.

France, Coming Soon: Dozens of new Mosques

The Swiss recently touched the tip of the iceberg by banning minarets, which will hopefully lead to further actions. Unfortunately another European country is allowing Islam to surge forward. Will Europe ever truly wake up and confront the threat of Islam?