US Muslim Chaplain to Logan’s Warning ~ F#@k America!

I apologize for the headline, but I tell it like it is here on Logan’s Warning. Not long ago a Muslim named Gareth Bryant showed up on my YouTube to express his displeasure with the points I make on Islam. From there things quickly escalated though. As Gareth went onto email me and that is where his hatred for the country he resides in surfaced. America.

Who is Gareth Bryant?

As you can see he is lecturing Americans on mental illness and Islam. Yet it seems that he needs some therapy himself. A lot of it.

Especially when it comes to America.

The Escalation

Where does this ungrateful and hateful attitude towards the country that has given him a good life stem from? Could it be from his mentor, the American hating Imam Wahhaj of Masjid at – Taqwa?

From his website.

The Islam inspired hatred and victim card are crystal clear. Yet his views get worse in part ll. Much worse…..

As you can see once again I am doing the dangerous journalistic work the mainstream media just will not do. Exposing the threat of Islam. Now for the sake of the country we love we need to take things further here at Logan’s Warning. In order to do so I need your Patriotic help to expand our audience. You can do so by making a reoccurring monthly or one-time contribution on the site today. Monthly reoccurring plans are as low as just $5 a month. Our future generations are counting on us.

Thank you,

Christopher Logan