Tag: Tommy Robinson

Son of Hamas to Muslims: Reform Islam

For those who do not know of the “Son of Hamas”, he is Mosab Hassan Yousef. The son of Hamas cofounder Sheikh Hassan Yousef. An incredibly brave man who has done amazing work on exposing the root cause of the Israel vs. Palestine conflict. Which is Islam itself.

It’s on! Logan’s Warning & Tommy Robinson Join Forces on the Vito & Vito Show TONIGHT!

In order to win the war with Islam, we must win the information war against Muslim propagandists. In order to do so we need to lock arms with our brothers and sisters against Islam across the world. Tonight because of the Vito and Vito Show we will be able to accomplish both.

Tommy Robinson: Islam Will NOT Reform

For years I have helped lead the way in negating the dangerous false notion that Islam will reform, and that there will be a peaceful coexistence with Islam. A notion that only helps keep Islam alive. A notion that far too few are willing to counter because it is supported by many of the most prominent names in this.

Tommy Robinson….I Support Muslims in Office!

English Defence League (EDL) anti-Islam campaign, to hanging around with Muslims behind their backs for 18 months, to joining forces with the so called “moderate” Muslim think tank, the UK”s Quilliam Foudation, and then stabbing the EDL in the back, to fighting the fictional “Islamism”, and now has spiraled down to supporting “Muslims” in office. What a fall from grace! But this is no surprise to me, because this is what happens when for whatever reason, a person is willing to compromise their principles by continually lowering the bar.

Tommy Robinson: Muslims Will Solve the Problems w/”Islamism” in the UK.

I am fully aware that some people just do not want to hear these upcoming inconvenient truths, but I will not back off from saying them. Because what Tommy Robinson and other prominent names here in America are promoting is nothing more than a slow suicide. Their policies are actually empowering the ideology of the enemy, Islam. In order to win this war, this strategy must change.

Tommy Robinson’s Defection from the EDL has Lead to…

There is much more to Tommy backstabbing the thousands of good EDL members who for years stood with him. It was a victory for Islam and Muslims in the UK, as they are showing him off as the enemy infidel turned ally, first place prize he is. Unless someone is holding a gun to his head, which I highly doubt, he is not smart enough to see what he has become.

Tommy’s new “Friends”

I think it is safe to say that you have heard about Tommy Robinson’s departure from the English Defence League (EDL). But I wanted to add my thoughts to the discussion. Now I understand that some bad elements, Nazis and white supremacists infiltrated the EDL. But he should have tried to weed them out. Maybe he did try, or maybe he did not try hard enough. Either way, he could have just stepped down from the EDL command. Instead, he steps down and then stabs thousands of good EDL members in the back, by joining the Quilliam Foundation. A Muslim “think tank”. There is where my problem with Tommy begins, and this is where my support for him ends.

Tommy Robinson (EDL) is Back!

As many of you probably already know, the leader of the English Defence League, has been released from prison! Tommy The Free Man It is with great pleasure we can announce that Tommy Robinson has been freed from prison! Tommy…