Tag: Sharia

Detroit Muslim Calls for Islamic State Within America~Video

Here we have Detroit Red, who says that he fullly supports Sharia Law, but he clearly needs to lose the ego as he obviously knows little about it. He states that Sharia is the perfect system for mankind to live righteous. That Sharia is the best system for those that are sincerely trying to “do the right thing”.

The UK and US Sharia Push~Video

For years I have been saying to look towards the UK to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam, and the similarities of the Sharia movement can be seen in this video. The good news is that UK Muslim Anjem Choudary states that US Muslims are about 5-10 years behind in this push. Meaning that we still have time to nip this in the bud. Stating that it is not “all” Muslims and then ignoring the problem does not cut it. Below the video are some comments left by US Muslims on this issue.

UK: Jesus4Sharia Debate Postponed

Islam4UK an organization that is promoting a Jesus4Sharia debate with Christian and Jewish leaders, has postponed the event. The reason is that they have not even received a response from Church “leaders”. Past Popes fought Islam head on, but today the Church sits around and watches as Islam slowly devours Western civilization. Grow a spine already!

UK Sharia Courts: Sharia is the law of the Land, Wage war

(Repost from Islam in Action.)
When the Sharia Courts in the UK were first announced, anyone who can see past the day that they are in knew that this would lead to nothing but more demands and trouble. In a followup to the “85 Sharia Courts in UK, Says Report” story we learn what the UK Sharia Courts are calling for.

Jesus 4 Sharia

Sharia loving Muslims of the UK, will just not give up. Their new approach is to challenge Christian and Jews on whether the true message of Jesus was Islamic Law. According to the Islamic scriptures, Jesus will come back and destroy Christianity. Then he will place the world under Islamic Law. Muslims are going to be in for the shock of their lives!