Tag: Ramadan

Muslims Attempt to Bully the MTA into Respecting Ramadan

It’s just never ending my friends. I wish I was wrong when I state the following, but we are reminded over and over of the endless push by Muslims to change America and the rest of the world to suit Islam. Which as I said unfortunately proves me right again. Islam is a perpetual war. A war that we as non-Muslims can never lower our guard on.

NY Muslims Whine as They Dine on our Dime

One thing I have been saying for years now is that there should be no concessions given to Muslims at all. Why? Because they do not appreciate what is given to them, and always want more. As they have an endless list of Islamic demands.

NYPD Ousts Vendors Selling Islamic Goods Just Before Ramadan

Now this is exactly what Islam deserves. No respect at all. Why? Because I don’t consider it a religion but a hostile political ideology. One that does not belong in America. Because respecting Islam as a religion is a 1400 year-old proven cultural suicide.

Sabeel Ahmed to Americans: Respect Ramadan by…..

This is how it goes with Muslim organizations. They come off personable and soft spoken as if they are well-meaning allies. In the end though they have demands. Islamic demands that show that they have no concerns for the wants and beliefs of non-Muslims.

Halal Corona Ramadan Madness in NY! ~ Exclusive

As you have probably heard by now is that despite the Islamic attack on NYC on September 11th, 2001, NY has continued to roll out the red carpet for Islam. Taking it to unprecedented levels.

Trump’s 2020 Ramadan Message ~ Refuted

Right off the bat I want to say that I support President Trump. That does not mean that I blindly support him, or every action taken by him though. I also believe that no one is beyond criticism and that being that no one is perfect, we need to voice our opinions in order to get politicians to back us on certain issues. Islam being one of them.

Call to Action! Mayor of Minneapolis Allows Islamic Call to Prayer to be Broadcast onto the Streets

Yes friends this is for real. Stealth jihad or what I like to call Insidious Islam is not so stealthy or insidious anymore. As the Muslim propagandists of the Council on America Islamic Relations (CAIR) have mislead the Mayor of Minneapolis into allowing the Islamic call to prayer to be broadcast onto the streets of Cedar-Riverside for the month of Ramadan.

Bad News ~ Islam IN Japan

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but only the truth will win us the war with Islam. You might know of the online talk that Islam is not spreading in Japan. The rumor even has its own meme. Unfortunately I have never seen a source for it. So I decided to look into it myself, and here is some of what I found.