Tag: Mosques

China Lowers the Boom on Jihad

Right off the bat I want to make it clear that I have no love for the CCP and obviously I have no love for Islam either. Which is exactly why Logan’s Warning exists in the first place.

Why Mosques Should Be Shut Down

Let’s face it friends. What is being done by non-Muslims in this war is not even coming close to saving our future generations from Islamic rule. Muslims have successfully turned our freedoms into a tool of Islam, nation building didn’t work out the way President Bush thought it would, and “moderate” Muslims are not coming to the rescue. The way I see it is that we will eventually lose this war if there are no major changes in our laws and actions. The first changes should be for America to become energy independent and then end all Muslim immigration. For it is a Trojan Horse. Even after those actions we would still be left with IslamoBLOB slowly devouring America.

Rise of the Anti-Islam Campaign III ~ We STOP Mosques and we WIN! ~ Video

After years of reporting a lot of bad news, I love bringing my infidel teammates good news like this. No, scratch that. Make that great news! For years I have been calling for an end to Muslim immigration, and Mosque construction. Now with the war with Islam getting worse across the world, we once again see our infidel brothers and sisters pushing back. Tonight we are honored with the presence of the Law and Freedom Foundation. An organization that uses a lawful approach to stopping Mosque construction, and they are great at what they do! Hopefully a sister organization of the L & F Foundation will be coming to America very soon.

First Mosques in Canadian Arctic & Clarington Ontario Open

It does not matter where we turn, Islam is on the move and slowly taking over within the law. Some other recent locations in North America where Islam is on the move are Antioch Tennessee, Brooklyn NY, Chicago, Dayton Ohio, downtown Manhattan, downtown Manhattan again, and downtown Manhattan again. Unfortunately the list continues onto Florence Kentucky, New Jersey, and Wisconsin.

Dayton Ohio: Islam on the Rise!

The other day on another forum I made the following statement.

Unfortunately most non-Muslims do not understand the war that is being waged upon us. Muslims cannot defeat us militarily, so their plan is to slowly takeover from within, by using our freedoms against us. Using the freedom of immigration, by exploiting the weakness created by the politically correct disease, and by exploiting the huge mistake of granting Islam religion status.

Poles Speak out Against Mosque Construction

It is good to see that more of us are waking up to the trouble that Islam brings to our countries. Europe is finally waking up, so lets add the Poles to the recent anti-Islam movements in Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK. Hopefully these protests will snowball across Europe.

France, Coming Soon: Dozens of new Mosques

The Swiss recently touched the tip of the iceberg by banning minarets, which will hopefully lead to further actions. Unfortunately another European country is allowing Islam to surge forward. Will Europe ever truly wake up and confront the threat of Islam?