Tag: Logans Warning

Attempted Hacking of Logan’s Warning

Good afternoon friends. Apparently one of my foes is not happy with my constant exposure of Islam. An exposure that clearly shows that Islam is a major threat to non-Muslims.

Technical Difficulties

Hello Patriots! For reasons that are so far unknown the Facebook and Disqus comment sections on this site have both mysteriously disappeared. So the issue is being looked into, and for now I have added a new commenting section down…

Logan’s Warning Makes top Blog on Today’s Disqus Digest

Yes, this is a shameless self plug. 🙂 One that is good for America though. Because I don’t $ell the public the fantasy that large groups of Muslims can be trusted, or that Islam might reform. Instead I stick with the truth. No matter how unpleasant it might be.

Montel Williams vs. Logan’s Warning!

In a recent Logan’s Warning article I had exposed the fact that Pamela Geller’s adversary, “Muslim Marine” (MM), was just another Muslim propagandist who is attempting to mislead the country on Islam. Part of his con is to try and paint Pamela the “bad guy” for pointing out the hatred within Islam. Implying that Islam is not what divides, Pamela is what divides.

Logan’s Warning Computer Issue!

Hello friends,

I just wanted to let you know why I have not been able to update my site recently. It is because something or someone has locked me out of my own laptop, and I can no longer get past the log in page. But the good is news is that I will be having it repaired over the weekend, and will be using a friend’s laptop to post an exclusive North American Infidels (NAI) report today.

Homeland Security’s Mohamed Elibiary Blocks Logan’s Warning

This is absolutely shocking! I though Muslims were big on the interfaith dialogue thing. Did I say something wrong?! There seems to be a bit of a conflict in the US Government over Logan’s Warning. Approximately two weeks ago the State Department’s Muslim scholar Haroon Ullah became a “fan” of this site.

On the other hand Obama’s top Muslim dog and Muslim Brotherhood supporter, Mohamed Elibiary, obviously has some issues with me. It must have something to do with my brutal truths on Islam.

Struck With a Virus

Good afternoon mighty infidels! Yesterday morning my computer was hit with a virus. So I had my ant-virus perform an all night scan, which identified the virus and deleted it today. The name of it was: “Trojan.Win32.Menti.jzya” Jizya, or just a coincidence?

Looking for something to post now.
Have a great day!


Logan’s Warning Update

Hi everyone, I am just getting back from NYC’s 26Th Annual Muslim Day Parade. What a sad day for America. Full report with videos either later tonight, or tomorrow afternoon.

NY Muslims: Palestinian State is in the bag!

Good evening infidels! A vote at the United Nations on whether a Palestinian State should be officially recognized is coming up. But Muslims in NY are claiming it is a done deal! Logan’s Warning has obtained some exclusive information on this matter. It will be released tomorrow afternoon! Speak to you then.

Coming up on Logan’s Warning

Hello! I just wanted everyone to know that there are a couple more exclusives coming up very shortly. One will be the opposition party’s 911 pro-Ground Zero Mosque, anti-“Muslim bigotry”, and anti-Pamela Geller-Robert Spencer rally. Another will be notes from an interfaith meeting in which the speaker attempted to “educate” non-Muslims on Islam. All the video that I shot since the weekend took two days to upload, so I am a little behind. I plan to have everything posted here by Monday night the latest. Have a great non-Islamic weekend!