Tag: Geert Wilders

Nationalist Parties Are Rising Across Europe

I can’t image why. Well, actually I can. It’s called the will to survive. The will to protect ones own culture, AKA as cultural protection. A movement that is much needed if the West as we know her is to survive the current mass third world invasion.

Europe: The Rise of the Anti-Islam Campaign!

In my last article which was entitled “How do you win a war, When you Have no Answers?” (Frank Gaffney, Daniel Pipes, and the rest of the FAILED “moderate Islam” campaign), I pointed out that the polices of the many of the biggest names in this battle have been a huge failure. As Islam is clearly taking root in America. Also as stated, I have been speaking out on this issue for over 10 years and at first I paid a lot of attention (and still do) to Islam in the UK, and other non-Islamic countries in Europe. My hope is to avoid things getting as bad here with Muslims/Islam, as they are there.

ACT! to Logan’s Warning: We do NOT Advocate Ending Muslim Immigration

I was really not planning on doing another article on ACT! so soon, but the pubic needs to know just how weak-kneed the upper echelon of ACT! really is. Besides Brigitte Gabriel being on a two day banning binge on Facebook, last night another ACT! spokesperson dropped by and proved that ACT!, does not have the answers to the solve the problem of Islam in America. In fact some of their policies will actually make things worse.

Dutch Anti-Islam Leader is Major Winner in Polls!!

For years I have been saying that it will take just one man to turn that tide against Islam in Europe, and that man just might be Geert Wilders. Apparently many others agree. Lets put this together with that German political party that is building anti-Islam center, and we have hope for our European friends.

Dutch Protest for Geert Wilders~ Video

Slowly but surely we continue to see the voices against Islam rise across Europe. In this video supporters of the Great Geert Wilders take to streets while comparing Islam to Nazism, and complaining about the left supporting Islam. One man…