Tag: Council on American Islamic Relations

CAIR Kentucky Misleads America

Once again the Council on America Islamic Relations (CAIR) has mislead the public by implying that they are against slavery, for equality and the US Constitution.

North American Infidels TKO of CAIR Texas – Houston!

Whatever happened to interfaith dialogue!? Whatever happened to clearing up the “misconceptions” of Islam? Oh, I forgot….Muslim propagandists only want dialogue when the recipients of it are naïve and trusting non-Muslims.

Unfortunately for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), that is not us here at North American Infidels.

CAIR Bully Cowers From Debate Challenge on the Red Fox Blogger Talk Radio Show!

Today I was making my usual rounds on the social networks and I ran into a snake in the grass. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR – FLA), Samantha L. Bowden. She is the communications and outreach director for CAIR-FLA. Apparently part of her outreach program is to mislead non-Muslims into believing Islam is compatible with modern day society. But today she failed miserably!

Church Opens Door to CAIR!

Suicidal Christians are at it again! In a naive act of tolerance, they are opening their doors to the ideology of the enemy once again. To make matters worse they have even invited the insidious organization CAIR in!

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood is in America: Holding Meeting in Secret Location Tomorrow With US Islamic Organization!

Yes that’s right! The Muslim Brotherhood, whose goal is Islamic world domination, have actually been allowed into our great country! They are touring Washington DC, and will be holding a conference with the American organization, The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). MPAC is similar to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). They both bully and brainwash America to suit Islam. CAIR does a lot of bullying of businesses, and fights anti-Sharia bills in US Courts. MPAC has also fought anti-Sharia bills, and has been known to manipulate our government and media. Both organizations are subversive to America.

Hello Everyone! ~ CAIR’s Ahmed Rehab Blocks me!

I just wanted to apologize for my absence. My computer had taken its own life, so I had to order a new one. Getting back in action tonight I have realized that CAIR’s (Chicago) Ahmed Rehab, has blocked me from following and responding to him on Twitter. It must have been the comment about Mohammad being a rapist. Rehab, you could have at least put up a fight.