Lawsuit Jihad Strikes NYC

If you are new to this site and the threat of Islam there are two main points I would like to explain to you. The first being is that Islam itself is a two-tiered threat. The first and most obvious one is the threat of violent jihadists.

Logan’s Warning Threatened With “Islamophobic” Lawsuit

Speak out against Buddhism, and it’s OK. Speak out against Christianity, and it’s OK. Speak out against Judaism, and that is OK as well. Speak out against Islam and it’s a whole different ballgame though. When a person criticizes any or all of those first religions is it basically shrugged off. When a person criticizes “the religion of peace” all hell breaks loose! Ranging from cyber-threats, to physical threats, to threats to your freedom of speech. This one coming from US Imam, Gareth Bryant. An America hating Imam who proudly supports 8 to 12 years old children being married off because they have reached puberty.

Call to Action! Mayor of Minneapolis Allows Islamic Call to Prayer to be Broadcast onto the Streets

Yes friends this is for real. Stealth jihad or what I like to call Insidious Islam is not so stealthy or insidious anymore. As the Muslim propagandists of the Council on America Islamic Relations (CAIR) have mislead the Mayor of Minneapolis into allowing the Islamic call to prayer to be broadcast onto the streets of Cedar-Riverside for the month of Ramadan.

CAIR Kentucky Misleads America

Once again the Council on America Islamic Relations (CAIR) has mislead the public by implying that they are against slavery, for equality and the US Constitution.

A Logan’s Warning Interview With Imam Dawud Walid

Those who follow the this site most likely know that the MSM is complicit with the Islam assisted cultural suicide of the West that is taking place. That is why I love to do my own reporting on this issue. Because only the truth will set our future generations free from the chains of Islam.

Logan’s Warning, Pamela Geller and CAIR.com

Looking for some online material in order to write an article, today I visited the site of the Council Cancer of American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Unfortunately the first thing I noticed was another victory for the 5th Column Organization. Of…

North American Infidels TKO of CAIR Texas – Houston!

Whatever happened to interfaith dialogue!? Whatever happened to clearing up the “misconceptions” of Islam? Oh, I forgot….Muslim propagandists only want dialogue when the recipients of it are naïve and trusting non-Muslims.

Unfortunately for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), that is not us here at North American Infidels.

NAI Exclusive! Muslim Scholars’ “Anti-ISIS” Letter Undone ~ Part l

Back in 2010 the media was buzzing with the news of Islamic atrocities being committed, and Muslim propagandists were scrambling for an answer in an effort to combat the negative media attention. That “answer” came from Pakistani-born scholar Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri. The doctor issued his famous “Islam is Peace” fatwa and the world just ate it up, as the media did not even make an attempt to refute it. So I did their job for them.