79 search results for "india"

McChrystal Details the Afghan Night Raids Policy

This is the update to the “McChrystal to US Troops: Limit the Night Raids” story. Muslims say jump, and clueless McChrystal asks how high? He has clearly fallen for the Muslims are playing the victim card trap, and is more concerned with them being “offended”, than the lives of our great troops. If he were in charge during WWII, the Nazis would of slaughtered us. Our troops deserve much better.

UK: “Christians” and Muslims United Against Extremism

Here we have the usual Muslim con where Muslims say that they are against “extremism”, and a bunch of naive Christians eat it up. The Muslim council considers organizations that protest against Islam, “extremists”. What is missing from the article is that there is not a word about them or the “Christians” being against the “extremists” that run the UK Sharia Courts. Christians that fall for this interfaith con need to take a look at the history of Islam in Europe. It is repeating itself, as Muslims are once again trying to take over. Stop making it so easy for them!