554 search results for "threat"

America’s First Muslim College set to Open

While most of us do not see the threat, or just do not want to admit the problems that Islam brings to non-Islamic countries, Islam continues to advance in America. In this latest stage of Islam on the move, this school is offering only two majors. Arabic language and Islamic law and theology. The last thing that this country needs are more pro-Sharia Muslims. Sharia needs to be officially banned, and then any Muslim that calls for it afterwards shall be arrested or deported if possible. Those that want Sharia do not belong here, and are to be looked upon as enemies of the state. Just as Nazis were.

McChrystal to US Troops: Limit the Night Raids

Clueless McChrystal who had recently stated that there has been enough fighting in Afghanistan, and that Taliban members can participate in their government, has done it again. As if the Rules of Engagement (ROE) were not already in favor of the enemy, the General has tightened them up once again. Did it ever cross his mind to protect our great troops first? Apparently not.

UK: “Christians” and Muslims United Against Extremism

Here we have the usual Muslim con where Muslims say that they are against “extremism”, and a bunch of naive Christians eat it up. The Muslim council considers organizations that protest against Islam, “extremists”. What is missing from the article is that there is not a word about them or the “Christians” being against the “extremists” that run the UK Sharia Courts. Christians that fall for this interfaith con need to take a look at the history of Islam in Europe. It is repeating itself, as Muslims are once again trying to take over. Stop making it so easy for them!

13 Republicans Challenge Pentagon on Their “Moderate” Islam Program

While others might not want to say it, I will. The Pentagon’s whitewashing of the Islamic factor in the Fort Hood shooting, was just pathetic, and their policy that some form “moderate” Islam is coming to the rescue is a failure. It is the same policy that the UK is pursuing, and it does not work there either. Thankfully over a dozen Republicans are challenging the Pentagon, and their relationship with their so called “moderate” Muslim advisors. This article shows us just how little research the Pentagon has actually done on their own on Islam. They just want to be blindly spoon fed, what “moderate” Muslims are feeding them. It is time for them to grab the bull by the horns, do their own research, and recognize what enemy is. That enemy is Islam itself.

India Kashmir: Muslims Enraged, 20 Hurt

From Africa, to America, to Europe, to the Far East, to the Middle East, we see the threat of Islam getting worse, and Muslims causing major problems for non-Muslims. This is a worldwide war, and non-Muslims need to stop bickering and unite against this common enemy, before it is too late.

Tonight: Congressional Candidate Lynne Torgerson~ Live Interview!

I know that plenty of us are excited about political candidate Lynne Torgerson, who recently stated that our country needs to wake up to the threat of political Islam. Well tonight she will be doing a live interview on the “Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Conservatism” radio show. Details on tonight’s show are below, and please call in to voice your support. Thanks!