554 search results for "threat"

Prince Charles Praises Iran

No matter how much trouble Iran stirs up or how much Islam seeps into the UK, the higher ups of the UK will just not admit that Islam is a major threat to not only the country, but to humanity itself.

Exclusive: Supposed Muslim in US Navy Calls Christian Military Members Terrorists

Over the years I have been asked why I go out of my way to talk to Muslims. My answer is to expose their mindset. Something the MSM is not willing to do.

Sometimes the results are more damaging to Islam than others. Like when US Army Member Koshin Mohamed showed up on Logan’s Warning and threatened to join the jihad.

Logan’s Warning, Pamela Geller and CAIR.com

Looking for some online material in order to write an article, today I visited the site of the Council Cancer of American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Unfortunately the first thing I noticed was another victory for the 5th Column Organization. Of…

United Voice of Muslims of Greater Chicago

That is the motto of The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago. (CIOGC) Which is a problem for America. Because as I have stated before, Islam is a two-tier threat. The first is the threat of the violent jihad. The second and more lethal to our culture is stealth jihad. In which Muslims use our freedoms against us in order to slowly change America to suit Islam. An insidious attack.

A Quick Comment to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Yesterday I posted a piece entitled “Ilhan Omar is Wrong- Individual Muslims are Responsible for Everything Carried out in the Name of the Faith *”. In which was written in order to expose the naïve and dangerous thinking of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Dr. H.A. Hellyer. Thinking that leads to a slow cultural suicide. See UK.

Exposing the Mindset of Muslims #2

Hello friends, today I am back with the second installment of “Exposing the Mindset of Muslims” series. A series that exposes the deceitful and hateful mindsets of Muslims. Showing us that your everyday Mo is part of the problem. A job the MSM just will not do.

Ask a Muslim, AKA Exposing the Mindset of Muslims

Sure there are other bloggers and organizations that speak out against Islamic terrorist organizations such as Boko Haram and ISIS, and I thank them for that. Unfortunately the threat of Islam goes way beyond Islamic terrorist organizations. The problem goes down to your everyday Muslim. Your average Mo. Because for the most part they are the ones who are selfishly changing the world to suit Islam. They are the ones who smile as they tell us that Islam is a religion of peace. They are the ones who attempt to create the falsehood of peaceful coexistence with Islam. They are part of the problem.

The Bahamas Going Islam!

If you know of my views on Islam you probably know that I view Islam as a two-tier threat. The first and most obvious one is the threat of violent jihadists. The second and most dangerous is what I like to call insidious Islam. In which Muslims gradually change non-Islamic countries to suit Islam. Done mostly within the law.