108 search results for "jasser"

Same ole’ ~ Zuhdi Jasser Pulls Another Muslim Houdini

During a visit to Twitter the other day I decided to drop by and see how America’s poster boy, “moderate” Muslim, and my ole’ “buddy” Zuhdi Jasser was doing. As expected, Jasser was just being Jasser. Attempting to mislead the public on Islam. It is what he does.

A Q & A With Dr. Zuhdi Jasser

Well friends,……..this is quite an honor. Sorry, I am trembling in anticipation over this once in a lifetime event. Today we have been invited to spend our afternoon in a Q & A with America’s #1 “reformer” of Islam. Please welcome the one and only Dr. Zuhdi Jasser!!!!! (Applause)

Zuhdi Jasser Says Islam Will Reform, I State why it Will NOT

For years I have been saying that when it comes to Islam, in the end it will be life as we know it, or Islamic rule. It’s time to take a side. Unfortunately that it is a reality that much of the West does not want to face. Many wanting to believe that in the end there will be so kind of peaceful coexistence with Islam. But where do we see that happening? America? Britain? Canada? Denmark? France? Germany? Holland? India? etc.

New Segment: Jasser Watch

When it comes to Islam and Muslims, it is a two-tier threat. The first is the threat of violent jihadists, and the second and more dangerous tier is what I like to call insidious Islam, or stealth jihad. In which Muslims have successfully turned our freedoms into tools of Islam.

Defeat Jihad Summit~ F. Gaffney to Jasser: How can We Reform Islam?

The other day a colleague of mine named Martel Sobieskey, alerted me to YouTube video of the recent Frank Gaffney “lead” Defeat Jihad Summit. Just as in the past, Team Gaffney has no real long-term answers in winning this war. In fact this time Frank truly showed just how uninformed he is on Islam itself, and his straight out fear of naming Islam itself as the enemy. Something Zuhdi Jasser encourages him to do.

Logan’s Warning Challenge to World Net Daily (WND) and Zuhdi Jasser!

Here we go again, no matter how many inroads Islam makes into America it appears the best most of the biggest media outlets can do is mislead Americans into believing that some form of “moderate” Islam is going to save America from ISLAM. It did not happen in the UK, and it will not happen here. It is nothing more than a feel good fantasy provided by those who are either enjoying the money they make off of telling people what they want to hear. Or those who are ignorant, or just too cowardly to face the reality of the situation. The reality is that Islam itself must be fought! (Within the law).

Zudhi Jasser’s Colleague Admits Their “Moderate Islam” Campaign has NO Mosque Support!

Obviously it is safe to say that most of the readers here know where I stand on the “moderate” Muslims are going to save the day line of thinking. It is NOT happening, and a simple question proves that. In the past I have asked foul-mouth Khalim Massoud of “Muslims Against Sharia, Brooke Goldstein, the “leaders” of Act!, which include Brigitte Gabriel, Guy Rodgers, Chris Slick, and face of the campaign Zuhdi Jasser himself to name just ONE Mosque that is promoting Jasser and a separation of Mosque and state. None of them have directly responded to the simple question, which gets to the heart of the matter. But the other day I asked a colleague of Zuhdi’s, a Raquel Evita the same question.

Logan to Zuhdi Jasser: Go Perform Next Hajj….October 24 – October 27, 2012

Besides misleading Americans into believing “moderate” Muslims are coming to the rescue, Zudhi Jasser also wants our country to intervene in Syria. A move that would obviously cost us millions if not billions of dollars we do not have. Jasser does not care about that though, as he frequently Tweets about his homeland Syria. Hopefully the killing going on there will stop, but it’s a Muslim issue. Let Muslims work it out. America already tried nation building with Muslims. It doesn’t work.

Zuhdi Jasser Will NOT Explain how Islam will Reform, or Condemn Mohammad for Taking sex Slaves!

Strike 3! Or is it #4 for Zuhdi and ACT!? I am starting to lose count on how many ACT! members duck my simple questions. In the past ACT!’s Chris Slick, Guy Rodgers, Hal Weatherman, National Communications and Marketing Director of ACT!, Kelly Cook, and the Queen of False Hope Brigitte Gabriel, could not explain how Jasser and others will reform Islam. Now tonight the leader of this ludicrous campaign Zudhi Jasser himself could not explain how he will reform Islam. Nor would he condemn Mohammad for taking sex slaves!

Zuhdi Jasser and Peter King’s “Moderate” Muslim Movement, not so “Moderate”

The picture above was taken from this week’s ACT!/Zuhdi Jasser/Peter King’s rally in support of the NYPD. One of the “big” points of the event was that there were “moderate” Muslims attending in support of the NYPD. What is interesting about the picture is the Muslim man in the middle, with the cap and sun glasses on. He is Imam Mohammad Abdul Qayyoom, head of the Muhammadi Community Center in Jackson Heights. The Imam is petitioning to make Mohammad’s birthday a national holiday! Yes, that right! He wants America to honor his pedophile and rapist hero. I know, I know….he’s a “moderate”….good work there Zuhdi and King.