Tag: US Constitution

New York Islamic Organization is Exploiting the Freedoms of America

Besides being Islamic organizations, what do the New York Islamic Thinkers Society (ITS), Alasna.org, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC), Gain Peace of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), IslamicCity.org, the Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLF), and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) all have in common?

The US Constitution is now a Tool of Islam

As I have been saying, the war with Islam will most likely not be won as long as Islam is allowed to retain its golden shield religion status. And Muslims KNOW this. (To the trolls on MeWe. OBVIOUSLY I am speaking out against the Muslim organization. Nice try.)

Citizenship Does not Automatically Equate to Loyalty

If we look across the West, we can see that Islam is dividing the West from within. Muslims are doing this with the support of far-leftist non-Muslims, who are either uniformed on Islam, want to stay purposely blind to the threat, or just hate Western Civilization so much that they will side with just about any ideology that opposes our way of life. The slaves to Allah are not the first to attempt an internal destruction of America. Back in the 30’s the Nazis who were obviously a huge external threat, also tried to divide America as well. In 1933 Nazi Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess, ordered German citizen Heinz Spanknobel who was living in America, to form an American Nazi organization. Eventually the group was merged into the German American Bund.