Tag: Lying

Islam is “Against” Lying Until it Isn’t

Sure some people are converting to Islam and right now I will tell you one of the main reasons for it. It is because Muslims who practice dawah (proselytizing) do so with deception and lies.

Media Should get Islam Right~ Exposed!

When it comes to those that are trying to educate our country to the threat of Islam, our work is never done. Muslims are running a 24/7 propaganda machine, and here is another one of their cons exposed.

Media should get Islam right
By Hind Al-Subai Al-Idrisi

Rabat – Given the amount of violence and instability in countries with Muslim majorities, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, some people mistakenly assume the violence stems from Islamic teachings, when in fact Islam does not condone such actions. The media does not help the matter, often focusing on the activities of terrorists who claim to be Muslims, instead of identifying these individuals as criminals and shedding light on the true essence of Islam.

Islam 101: Lying is Permissible

While the Islam is a religion of peace falsehood continues to spread across the world, the truth is that Islam allows lying, rape, and what non-Muslims would consider murder. There is nothing peaceful about these acts, and I will prove my claims in a three part series.