Tag: American Muslims

About My Daily News Interview: They run Article Omitting all of my Quotes, but Quote CAIR!

Back on August 5Th, I put up a post entitled “Logans Warning Update” Here it is in its entirety.

“Hi guys, I was just interviewed by the NY Daily News’ Brooklyn Borough Youth section, about a proposed Mosque in Brooklyn. Well that is what they told me it would be about, most of the interview was about my views on Islam, and this site. It will be published in about two weeks.”

I was not able to locate the story online this morning, so I put in a call to editor Nicholas C. Klopsis.

Christian Organization Protests at Connecticut Mosque!

It is amazing how fast things are changing in the war against Islam. Years ago we rarely saw non-Muslims take to the streets to protest against Islam, but these days we are seeing it more, and more. This time the Operation Save America organization, took up the cause and demonstrated outside of a Connecticut Mosque. Of course the whining Muslims whose religion bullies non-Muslims across the world, played the victim card.

Lets Help Resurrect Tancredo’s Anti-Sharia Bill

Recently I have been posting more and more articles, that document the Sharia movement that is happening within America. Not only do we need to continue educating our fellow Americans to this threat, we need to let our local politicians know how we feel about this. Finally we do have some politicians that are speaking out against this threat, but we need more, much more. I encourage all readers to email their local reps, and let them know about the threat of Sharia. Then ask them to take a look at the anti-jihad bill, which was written by Tom Tancredo two years ago. We need to have this bill resurrected. Thanks for doing your part.

North Carolina: Sharia Academy Kick Off!

One of my goals is to awaken my fellow Americans, to the threat of Sharia taken place within our country. Just minutes ago, I posted an article entitled “NY: Islamic School/Community Teaching Children Sharia”, and now I have come across another Islamic center which is a threat to America. The Islamic Association of Raleigh, 808 Atwater St. Raleigh NC, has announced they will be working with the Sharia Academy of America. The Sharia Academy of America has online courses, as well as branches in Detroit, Houston, Montreal Canada, and Tampa Florida. This event took place in June, but it still needs to be pointed out.

Back in the New York Grove: My First Encounter With Muslims in NY

After several years in another state, I am finally back where I belong and that is NY. One of the main reasons that I moved back is that there is always some kind of political actively going on. I figured what better place to take on Islam, than NY? It took awhile to settle in, but it did not take too long to have an encounter with some Muslims in the city. About a week ago, I was in a friend’s establishment and it was closing time. I was talking to an employee of the place about the threat of Islam, and noticed two guys sitting about 6 feet away. I asked the employee who they were, and he said they are just some workers from a restaurant across the street. So I continued with the conversation.

Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey~ We Need to Face the Threat of Sharia~ Video

For years after 911 the comments that I read online about Islam, were overwhelmingly in support of the religion. But over the last few years that has changed, as more and more of us have been educated, and are speaking out against threat of Islam. Thankfully even some of our politicians are not following the company line that “Islam is a religion of peace”, and are fighting back against Sharia Law. First Louisiana banned Sharia from being used in their courts,, then Oklahoma Rep. Duncan called for a preemptive strike on Sharia, and today we learn that Lt. Governor Ramsey is willing to fight Sharia as well. Obviously we need a lot more politicians like him, so please contact him and let him know we are with him. His contact information can be found HERE.

US: Muslims Want to Turn House Into Mosque, Neighbors Fight Back

No…this is not a repeat post of Muslims trying to do the same exact thing in Brooklyn NY. This time they are showing no respect to their neighbors in Chicago. Muslims are constantly demanding respect, yet they do not care about the wants and beliefs of non-Muslims. Islam is one-way street, and we should return the favor. Say no to Muslim immigration, and Mosque construction.

US: Pro-Islamic Law Group Gets Booted From Hotel Conference

Recently I posted a video that showed us that Muslims in Europe, are feeling the heat of our anti-Islam movement. Now finally after years of speaking out against Islam, I am seeing more and more Americans standing up for life as we know it, and taking the fight to our enemies. The bottom line here is that sometimes fighting Islam gets discouraging, but if we persist, we can and will win this war. I applaud all those that are part of this movement. The country and world, needs more like you!

Tennessee: Muslims Beat out College, Islamic Center Coming?

Here we go again, and no this is not the 52,000 sq ft Islamic Center, that non-Muslims are fighting against in Tennessee. That one is in Murfreesboro, this one is in Antioch. Non-Muslims are are waking up to the threat, and need to keep up the pressure. Meanwhile our government is supposed to protect us, but they are actually helping the enemy. The great citizens of America, are doing the job our useless government is supposed to be doing. Keep up the great work guys!