The Islamic Republic of Iraq~Pictures

This past week in Iraq has shown us what “nation building” has created. This is not the fault of our brave troops, this is the fault of the US government which obviously did little research on Islam, before going into Iraq. Two holidays took place in Iraq this week. One obviously being Christmas in which Iraqi Christians were afraid to go to Church, because they were being targeted again.

CAIR’s One-way Attack on Free Speech

Recently the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), had asked Obama to address what they call an “alarming level of anti-Islam hate” in the country. While it is true that the voices against Islam in America are on the rise, CAIR fails to mention that there is a very good reason that our voices are on the rise.

CAIR to Target 1 Million on New Years Eve, With Islamic JumboTron ad

Unfortunately I have to say it for the second time today. While we are trying to relax during this holiday season, Muslims that are hellbent on killing us, or subjugating the country under Sharia Law do not stop pushing for even a second. This site has documented the recent pro-Islamic ad campaigns, and this is the biggest one by far. We need to raise our voices!