237 search results for "immigration"

Lead Story On RevolutionMuslim.com is Article From Logans Warning

Besides this site getting more and more popular with non-Muslims, more Muslims are also picking up on it. This morning our friends over at My Pet Jawa, gave me a heads up, and informed me that one of my stories in which I called for an end of Muslim immigration, was copied in its entirety and reposted on www.RevolutionMuslim.com. Obviously we are doing something right over here. Revolution Muslim leader Younus Abdullah Muhammad and his crew, did not comment on my article, they just posted it to put the word out to his readers. No surprise though.

Lets Help Resurrect Tancredo’s Anti-Sharia Bill

Recently I have been posting more and more articles, that document the Sharia movement that is happening within America. Not only do we need to continue educating our fellow Americans to this threat, we need to let our local politicians know how we feel about this. Finally we do have some politicians that are speaking out against this threat, but we need more, much more. I encourage all readers to email their local reps, and let them know about the threat of Sharia. Then ask them to take a look at the anti-jihad bill, which was written by Tom Tancredo two years ago. We need to have this bill resurrected. Thanks for doing your part.

Coming Soon?: First Mosque in Clarington, Ontario

Most of us have seen the on going battles across America, in regards to the endless Mosque construction movement that Muslims are on. The same problem is happening across Europe, and our friends in Canada are under Islamic assault as well. I say “coming soon?”, because the closing date for this proposed Mosque is in two days. Hopefully they will not be able to come up with all of the money, needed to make the deal

US: Muslims Want to Turn House Into Mosque, Neighbors Fight Back

No…this is not a repeat post of Muslims trying to do the same exact thing in Brooklyn NY. This time they are showing no respect to their neighbors in Chicago. Muslims are constantly demanding respect, yet they do not care about the wants and beliefs of non-Muslims. Islam is one-way street, and we should return the favor. Say no to Muslim immigration, and Mosque construction.

UK: Muslims Try to Counter English Defence League

There is no doubt about it, sides are being drawn up and “moderate” Islam is not coming to the rescue. Muslim immigration is a life-threatening disease to the West, and it is very possible that civil wars are on the horizon. Most of the readers here know that Muslims have been on a non-stop mission, attempting to takeover the UK, but recently the English Defence League (EDL) was formed to counter the Islamic movement. To try and push back, Muslims have formed the Muslim Defence League (MDL).

Muslim Visitor: Christopher Logan, you will die…

As most of you know I am just settling in after moving last week, so I have not been able to post much here or check my email. I should be finished with everything today, so I took some time to catch up on my emails. To my delight there were some lovely housewarming gifts left for me, by some new Muslim friends of mine. There is nothing better, than making new friends.

Muslims in Europe Feeling the Heat~ Video

Finally Europe is starting to wake up to the threat of Islam, and Muslims are starting to feel the heat. Hopefully this is just the beginning, and the end to Muslim immigration is on the horizon. But once again, we see Muslims uniting to fight our movement. This is a video update to the, “UK: Demonstration to Defend the Symbols of Islam” story.

General David Petraeus: No Change on Rules of Engagement

Just like General McCrystal, General Petraeus is more concerned with the people of Afghanistan, than his own troops. Our great troops are being forced to fight with one hand tied behind their back, and if the Soviets could not defeat the Taliban in a brutal war, how are supposed to win while fighting a politically correct war?

These ridiculous Rules of Engagement (ROE), stem from the nation building policy. I do not mean any disrespect to our great troops when I say this, because they did not write up the war plan, but nation building is a failure, as the infidel does not get to dictate to Muslims what Islam is. Iraq is now a Christian persecuting Islamic country, where the Shiite vs Sunni feud continues, and Afghanistan will always be an Islamic hellhole.

US Government Ignores the Plight of Iraqi Christians

The US government is clearly doing just about everything they can to lose this war, and help advance Islam. Back in January the The United States Treasury had taken all but one member of Hamas off the international list of terrorists. The reason for this was to enable EU funding for Gaza, which is run by Hamas. January is also the month that the State Department decided, to allow Tariq Ramadan into the country. In his first US speech he stated that “It’s time not to speak about integrating (Muslims)…”