237 search results for "immigration"

UK: Muslims and True Brits Clash in the Streets Again~ Video

One again we get a look at what Muslim immigration brings to the West. The true Brits of the English Defense League (EDL), are taking a stand against the whiny Muslims of the Muslim Defense League (MDL). I call the EDL true Brits because they want to keep Britishness in the UK, and will not bow down to Sharia Law. The non-Muslims who support the MDL should be ashamed at themselves, for not even having the guts to stand up for life as they know it.

UK: Burn the American Flag day 9/11~ Also a Call for Sharia @ US Embassy~ Video

As expected, Muslims are fighting back in response to “Burn a Koran Day”. Once again we see Muslims cannot deal with the freedoms of the West, and are once again resorting to threats. Which means they should not be allowed to immigrate into non-Islamic countries anymore. In the video below the spokesman says the “correct Islamic punishment” should be delivered on Pastor Jones, and the people who attack Islam have not learned their lesson, like Theo van Gogh. Then he goes on to say they don’t believe in freedom, and even the worst Muslim is superior to all Christians and Jews put together. If anyone reading thinks this is some kind of game, or just made up threat by right wingers, I suggest you watch this very insightful video.

Dayton Ohio: Islam on the Rise!

The other day on another forum I made the following statement.

Unfortunately most non-Muslims do not understand the war that is being waged upon us. Muslims cannot defeat us militarily, so their plan is to slowly takeover from within, by using our freedoms against us. Using the freedom of immigration, by exploiting the weakness created by the politically correct disease, and by exploiting the huge mistake of granting Islam religion status.

France: 22 Restaurants go Halal Only

Once again we see that Islam is on the move across the West. Back in March the fast food chain Quick, announced they would go halal-only in eight of their restaurants. Showing their concern for money only, they have expanded this concept to 22 restaurants. Unfortunately most non-Muslims do not understand the war that is being waged upon us. Muslims cannot defeat us militarily, so their plan is to slowly takeover from within, by using our freedoms against us. Using the freedom of immigration, by exploiting the weakness created by the politically correct disease, and by exploiting the huge mistake of granting Islam religion status. If some of the rules do not change, our freedoms will be our demise.

Thousands of Indonesian Muslims Protest at US Embassy Against “Burn the Koran Day”

Earlier this week the 57 state Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), stated they want the US Government to step in and stop Dove World Outreach Center’s upcoming “Burn a Koran Day”. Just a day later I posted about an Indonesian Muslim site that was whining about the same day, and today we learn that Muslim madness is spreading. As thousands of Indonesian Muslims have taken to the streets, in protest against Pastor Jones and Dove. They are obviously against our freedoms, and this is just one more reason to end all Muslim immigration. Stay safe Pastor.

UK Conference: Ramadan the Month of Victory

Once again we see Muslims using the freedoms of the West to organize, and attempt to takeover from within. Will non-Muslim Western “leaders” continue to sit and watching as Islam slowly takes over? Do any non-Muslims who read this site, actually believe that the Founding Fathers would have let Islam takeover in the name of freedom of religion? Of course not. The fight is ours now. The question is what are we going to do about it?

California Sharia “College” Set to Open

Not only are US Mosques teaching and preaching Sharia Law, now our government is foolishly allowing a Sharia “college” to open. I say foolishly because Sharia is what the enemy wants to impose on us, and allowing it to be taught here in America, is the equivalent to allowing Nazis to have their own US schools during WWII. Not only do we have to end all Muslim immigration, we also need to ban Sharia Law. Then arrest and deport if possible, any Muslim who calls for Sharia. They are to be looked upon as enemies of the state, just as Nazis were.

About My Daily News Interview: They run Article Omitting all of my Quotes, but Quote CAIR!

Back on August 5Th, I put up a post entitled “Logans Warning Update” Here it is in its entirety.

“Hi guys, I was just interviewed by the NY Daily News’ Brooklyn Borough Youth section, about a proposed Mosque in Brooklyn. Well that is what they told me it would be about, most of the interview was about my views on Islam, and this site. It will be published in about two weeks.”

I was not able to locate the story online this morning, so I put in a call to editor Nicholas C. Klopsis.