Tag: Dhimmi

Is Islam Good for Social Cohesion? *Poll* ~ Jury Needed

The reason I ask is because known Muslim propagandist Dr. Sabeel Ahmed claims Islam is not a threat to society. Is he finally speaking the truth? Or is he attempting to mislead trusting and well-meaning non-Muslims again?

Facebook: 6000 Sign up for Wear a Hijab Day on 911, Defy “Burn a Quran Day”

In response to the now suspended “Burn a Koran Day”, two US Churches will be holding readings of the Koran. Now some more non-Muslims have joined the dhimmi dance, as I have been notified of a “Wear Hijab on 9/11, Defy “Burn a Quran Day” Facebook page. A page which has approximately 6000 members. There are a lot of Muslim members, who of course love the support of the purposely blind to the threat of Islam crowd. But there are also a lot of non-Muslims supporting the page, which was started by a non-Muslim woman. Islam the great divider, strikes again.

Update: Mass. Governor Says Yes to all Muslim Demands!

Here is the update to the “Mass: Governor to Hold Massive Mosque Meeting With 1000 Muslims” article. In today’s political climate, this is no surprise though, and if this were not such a serious issue, this would all be comical. In Governor Patrick we have another cowardly politician, that does not even have the sense to think past the day that he is in, and be concerned about his family’s future generations, being forced to live under Islamic rule. To make matters worse, the Muslims disrespected him by ordering him how to answer, and he went with it. What a weakling. Please call or email his office, and voice your anti-Islamic opinion. The contact info can be found HERE. Thank you.