1409 search results for "ali "

Muslim MMA Fighter Disparages Ring Girl ~ Video

This might be the shortest article ever on Logan’s Warning, but that doesn’t matter though because it is surely one of the funniest! As Muslim Mixed Martial Arts fighter Ali Heibati disparages a ring girl. That is not the amusing part though. What happens after the fight is.

Ilhan Omar & Daughter ~ Two Hate-filled Peas in a pod

This is the not the first time that I have written about the hateful twosome of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and her daughter Isra Hirsi. In a previous article one of the stands Isra took was for diversity. Which today we see apparently doesn’t include Israel.

Fashion Dawah ~ the Threat

For those who don’t know what “dawah” means, it is the act of proselytizing when Muslims invite non-Muslims to accept Islam. Sure it sounds innocent. The reality is that it is far from it though. With the reason being that Muslims use dawah in an attempt to mislead non-Muslims on Islam. Even holding workshops on how to do so.

US Election: VP Muslim Running Mate Immediately Takes a Stand for Hamas

Yes friends, you have read that correctly. For the first time in the history of America we have Muslim on the Presidential ticket. This coming off the 2020 election in which “President” Biden held a historic pre-election Muslim only conference. Which was another first for America.

Muslims Attempt to Bully the MTA into Respecting Ramadan

It’s just never ending my friends. I wish I was wrong when I state the following, but we are reminded over and over of the endless push by Muslims to change America and the rest of the world to suit Islam. Which as I said unfortunately proves me right again. Islam is a perpetual war. A war that we as non-Muslims can never lower our guard on.

NY Muslims Whine as They Dine on our Dime

One thing I have been saying for years now is that there should be no concessions given to Muslims at all. Why? Because they do not appreciate what is given to them, and always want more. As they have an endless list of Islamic demands.