90 search results for "failure"

The Economist: Islam can Reform….

Here we go again, and this is why I am adamantly against spreading this false hope. Within the past two weeks alone we have had such prominent names as Tommy Robinson and Pamela Geller, imply that Muslims are the solution to our problems with Islam. That there could be a reformation of Islam.

Today’s we see that The Economist has bought into what sounds great, but is not going to happen.

Tommy Robinson: Muslims Will Solve the Problems w/”Islamism” in the UK.

I am fully aware that some people just do not want to hear these upcoming inconvenient truths, but I will not back off from saying them. Because what Tommy Robinson and other prominent names here in America are promoting is nothing more than a slow suicide. Their policies are actually empowering the ideology of the enemy, Islam. In order to win this war, this strategy must change.

Brigitte Gabriel: Islam is a Religion of Peace!

I really do not want to write articles like this, but as I have stated even those who are supposed to be on our side are not being straight with the public on Islam. So I have no choice.

Today ACT! held a conference in Washington D.C., and Brigitte had been Tweeting about it. Here is her terribly irresponsible, ideology of the enemy, protecting Tweet on Islam.

North American Infidel (NAI) Challenge to Professor Barry Rubin of GLORIA!

I hate to admit it, but we are losing the war with Islam. One of the main reasons we are losing this war is that as some of the most prominent names in this field, are either uniformed on Islam, or just too afraid to come out and name the enemy. Instead, many of them use the term “Islamism”. As for me, I purposely stay away from using that term, because failure to properly name the enemy will eventually lead to the death of America as we know it. This proven failure leads us to the main subject of this article, Professor Barry Rubin of the GLORIA Center. Who on January 9th arrogantly penned an article entitled “You Still Don’t Understand Islamism, Do You?”.

IPT’s Steve Emerson Shows his Ignorance on Islam!

I have seen more than enough Islamic expansionism in America, to see that we are losing ground to Islam on a daily basis. Two of the main reasons we are losing this war is the reluctance to actually name the enemy, and supply long term answers. Unfortunately many of the most prominent names in this field can do no better than lay the blame on “Islamism”, and promote Dr.Mohamed “Zuhdi” Jasser as the savior of America. But the reality is that Islam itself is the problem, and after all of these years Jasser does not even have one Mosque that supports him. Promoting him is a complete waste of time.