Category: Uncategorized

US Church Starts “International Burn A Koran Day”

Dr. Terry Jones and his followers at Dove World Outreach Center, are one of the most outspoken groups against Islam. Recently they had protested outside a Florida Mosque, and in the past they came out in force with their “Islam is the Devil” shirts. They even wrote out that slogan, using Christmas lights outside their Church. In their latest attempt to draw attention to this issue, they have created the “International Burn A Koran Day” Facebook page.

India: Muslims Making Demands in a Catholic School

I have one issue with this article besides the obvious one, of Muslims making demands on the school. I know that the school meant well but after almost 1400 years of jihad, and the bloody history between India and Islam, Muslims should of never been allowed in the school in the first place. They do not integrate, they look to takeover with no concerns for the beliefs of anyone else. We should never forget this.

US: Pro-Islamic Law Group Gets Booted From Hotel Conference

Recently I posted a video that showed us that Muslims in Europe, are feeling the heat of our anti-Islam movement. Now finally after years of speaking out against Islam, I am seeing more and more Americans standing up for life as we know it, and taking the fight to our enemies. The bottom line here is that sometimes fighting Islam gets discouraging, but if we persist, we can and will win this war. I applaud all those that are part of this movement. The country and world, needs more like you!

Muslim Visitor: Christopher Logan, you will die…

As most of you know I am just settling in after moving last week, so I have not been able to post much here or check my email. I should be finished with everything today, so I took some time to catch up on my emails. To my delight there were some lovely housewarming gifts left for me, by some new Muslim friends of mine. There is nothing better, than making new friends.


Hi everyone, I just wanted to apologize for not updating the site the last few days. I had moved, and I am just settling in. I will get back to updating the site, on daily basis tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience.


UK: Muslim Women Take to Streets, Call to Impose Sharia on us~ Videos

The women of Campaign Islam, have taken it to the streets and have sent us two messages. The first one is about our “attacks” on Islam, one of them beginning the “Everybody Draw Mohammad Day”. Please listen closely as she states the only way these “attacks” will stop, is if they usher in Islamic law. In other words, they will try and force us to stop, and trust me this Islamic organization is not the only one that wants to impose Sharia Law on us. They are uniting across the world, and non-Muslims have to man up, and stop making excuses for Islam. It will be us or them.

Muslims in Europe Feeling the Heat~ Video

Finally Europe is starting to wake up to the threat of Islam, and Muslims are starting to feel the heat. Hopefully this is just the beginning, and the end to Muslim immigration is on the horizon. But once again, we see Muslims uniting to fight our movement. This is a video update to the, “UK: Demonstration to Defend the Symbols of Islam” story.

Teaneck NJ: Votes in Race Card Playing Muslim for Mayor

The Islamic attack that took place on 911 was part of the violent jihad, that Muslims are waging across the world. There is another aspect of the jihad though, it is the legal jihad, where Muslims use our freedoms against us to advance Islam. This is the most dangerous weapon our enemy has, as it is all done within the law, and this is what we need to concentrate on. Please do your part!