Tag: Muslim propagandist

Fashion Dawah ~ the Threat

For those who don’t know what “dawah” means, it is the act of proselytizing when Muslims invite non-Muslims to accept Islam. Sure it sounds innocent. The reality is that it is far from it though. With the reason being that Muslims use dawah in an attempt to mislead non-Muslims on Islam. Even holding workshops on how to do so.

The UK’s Ali Dawah Gets Caught out AGAIN

I wasn’t planning on writing an article today but I came across a video from Ali Dawah that makes for a short rebuttal. While the video is over an hour, all I ask is that you watch the first minute and half or so.

Jizya & Zakat – What Muslims Don’t Want you to Know Part 2

If you were on Logan’s Warning yesterday you most likely read “Jizya & Zakat – What Muslims Don’t Want you to Know Part 1”. An article in which I exposed how Muslim propagandist Musa Adnan attempted to mislead the public on what jizya actually is.

Dr. Ahmed: If Americans Fight Islam Muslims Will Fight Back

Personally I don’t have it in me to sit around and lie all day in an attempt to mislead people on any issue. Unfortunately for America, that is exactly what Gain Peace’s Dr. Sabeel Ahmed does for a living.

Sabeel Ahmed to Americans: Respect Ramadan by…..

This is how it goes with Muslim organizations. They come off personable and soft spoken as if they are well-meaning allies. In the end though they have demands. Islamic demands that show that they have no concerns for the wants and beliefs of non-Muslims.

US Army: Muslims Want Peace

Shorty after 911 is when I first took on the subject of the threat of Islam. Ever since then it was obvious that the “response” of Western authority figures was an attempt to sort out the so called good Muslims from the bad. While not naming Islam itself as an enemy ideology. An attempt that has empowered Islam to expand across the West.

Sabeel Ahmed/Gain Peace Watch: Is Islam’s Allah the God of Judaism & Christianity?

Unfortunately much of today’s mainstream media plays a huge role in the war with Islam. The role of empowering the enemy ideology of Islam because the media rarely challenges Muslim propagandists. So of course Muslim misinformation agents will gladly exploit the ignorance and cowardice of the media, and or use their own social media pages to do so as Sabeel Ahmed does. Recently posting YouTube video shorts. Sometimes a few a day.