Category: Uncategorized

India: Muslims are Losing Political Power

Do you remember what I said Muslims have turned the freedoms of non-Islamic countries into tools of Islam? Well the way to combat that in the short term is to be as assertive (excluding the violence of course) as they are and take a stand for life as you know it.

Germany Cracks Down on the Call for Caliphate

For those who are new to the subject of Islam, the Caliphate is the leader of the Muslim community, AKA the ummah. Which is what Muslims are calling for in Germany. Which in turn would create another government within Germany. A hostile one that calls for the dominance over the manmade laws of Germany.

Masjid Tuscan vs Logan’s Warning

If you are new to Logan’s Warning you might not know that there are numerous tactics that I use in order to expose Islam and the Muslim mindset. One is actually trying to engage in conversations with Mosques. Another is exposing them for the their whitewashing of Islam by obtaining the literature they hand out to the public. A third being actually infiltrating dawah conferences.