Tag: Islam

Lunatic for Allah Slanders and runs From Debate ~ Audio

For those who are new to Logan’s Warning my two main objectives here are to expose the Muslim mindset and the threat of Islam itself. This article will focus on the former. The Muslim mindset. Which is a mindset of lies and deceit, and there is no better subject matter on this than Clubhouse’s Luton Azad Kashmiri 2.0. A lying lunatic for Allah who resides in the UK. One who runs his mouth and then runs from discussing Islam with me. #coward

Technical Difficulties

Hello Patriots! For reasons that are so far unknown the Facebook and Disqus comment sections on this site have both mysteriously disappeared. So the issue is being looked into, and for now I have added a new commenting section down…

Islam and Religion Status

Even though Corona has my exclusive street reporting on hold for now, I can still make progress by improving my video editing skills. Something I was messing around with tonight. I do plan on learning a lot more though.

Logan’s Warning Destroying Islamic Street Preacher

Earlier today I was minding my own business while traveling until I saw an Islamic street preaching in the NY Subway system. Since this was not planned at all only about half of the conversation was recorded. At first I…

Team Trump Teams up for Islam

Team Trump Cancels a Brigitte Gabriel’s ACT! Booking When I first reported that President Trump had done a 180 on the issue of Islam, a lot of people did not want to hear it. Refusing to face the evidence. Evidence…

Ask a Muslim, AKA Exposing the Mindset of Muslims

Sure there are other bloggers and organizations that speak out against Islamic terrorist organizations such as Boko Haram and ISIS, and I thank them for that. Unfortunately the threat of Islam goes way beyond Islamic terrorist organizations. The problem goes down to your everyday Muslim. Your average Mo. Because for the most part they are the ones who are selfishly changing the world to suit Islam. They are the ones who smile as they tell us that Islam is a religion of peace. They are the ones who attempt to create the falsehood of peaceful coexistence with Islam. They are part of the problem.

The US Constitution is now a Tool of Islam

As I have been saying, the war with Islam will most likely not be won as long as Islam is allowed to retain its golden shield religion status. And Muslims KNOW this. (To the trolls on MeWe. OBVIOUSLY I am speaking out against the Muslim organization. Nice try.)