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Twitter Muslimah Gets off on Beheadings!

One of the most hideous actions taking place across the world are Muslims beheading people. An action sanctioned by the Koran. Koran verse 47:4:(Altafsir.com) {فَإِذَا لَقِيتُمُ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ فَضَرْبَ ٱلرِّقَابِ حَتَّىٰ إِذَآ أَثْخَنتُمُوهُمْ فَشُدُّواْ ٱلْوَثَاقَ فَإِمَّا مَنًّا بَعْدُ وَإِمَّا فِدَآءً حَتَّىٰ…

Islam vs. The Ten Commandments

One of the main reasons we are losing the war with Islam is because of the overall lack of resolve of the Church. Adding to that is the outright treachery of many Churches. Including Pope Francis himself who actually opened the Vatican to what is out to destroy it. Islam. Another example of Church treachery is when over 50 US Churches opened their doors to Koran readings.

Those actions imply that Islam is Christianity friendly, when in fact the messages are polar opposites. Today I will further prove that by showing how Islam contradicts The Ten Commandments.

Montel Williams vs. Logan’s Warning!

In a recent Logan’s Warning article I had exposed the fact that Pamela Geller’s adversary, “Muslim Marine” (MM), was just another Muslim propagandist who is attempting to mislead the country on Islam. Part of his con is to try and paint Pamela the “bad guy” for pointing out the hatred within Islam. Implying that Islam is not what divides, Pamela is what divides.

Muslim Marine Attacks Pamela Geller on Twitter…..

Last week while I was going Muslim propagandist hunting (in a non-violent manner) online, I came across one named “Muslim Marine” (MM). A man who may or may not be an actual Marine, but uses the Muslims are serving in the US Military talking point in an effort to get people to back off on the threat of Islam, and Muslim immigration.

Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence Pt. lll

As we left off in part II of “Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence”, Ali failed to identify the main threat of Islam. The lawful jihad that is taking place across the West, a jihad that is changing the West to suit Islam. Which has brought in aspects of Sharia, such as Sharia banking, Sharia Courts, halal only in over 50 UK public schools, and the Islamic call to prayer (adhan) being broadcast onto the streets with no concern for the wants and beliefs of non-Muslims, etc.

Her completely ignoring this threat raises a red flag to me, as does her reluctance to want Muslims deported from non-Islamic countries.

Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence Pt. 1

Before I get to the heart of this article, I just want to make it clear that I have a world of respect for Hirsi Ali for finding the strength to leave Islam, her tireless work against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and attempting to rescue others from the cult of hate.

But like many prominent names in this field, she has no real long term answers in order to win the war with Islam. She also seems to have some kind of emotional attachment to Islam as well. One that does not bode well for the West.

Defeat Jihad Summit~ F. Gaffney to Jasser: How can We Reform Islam?

The other day a colleague of mine named Martel Sobieskey, alerted me to YouTube video of the recent Frank Gaffney “lead” Defeat Jihad Summit. Just as in the past, Team Gaffney has no real long-term answers in winning this war. In fact this time Frank truly showed just how uninformed he is on Islam itself, and his straight out fear of naming Islam itself as the enemy. Something Zuhdi Jasser encourages him to do.