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Logan’s Warning to Richard Dawkins ~ Christianity is NOT the Threat

When I first started speaking out against Islam I used to look up to the likes of Frank Gaffney, and Daniel Pipes. But after some time I realized that Frank’s call for an Islamic reformation, and Daniel’s age old slogan of “militant Islam is the problem, moderate Islam is the solution” are just not working. In fact those calls are nothing more than detrimental false hope.

The UK’s “Moderate” Muslim Poster Boy Maajid Nawaz Pulls a Muslim Houdini….

If someone would ask me what my niche is in the anti-Islam campaign, I would have to say it is me exposing the fraudulent “moderate” Islam campaign. Something I obviously believe is integral to us winning the war with Islam. Because we cannot rely on the media on this issue. They just do not have it in them to ask these so called saviors of Western Civilization, the tough questions that are needed to expose how they mislead the public on Islam itself.

Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence Pt. lll

As we left off in part II of “Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence”, Ali failed to identify the main threat of Islam. The lawful jihad that is taking place across the West, a jihad that is changing the West to suit Islam. Which has brought in aspects of Sharia, such as Sharia banking, Sharia Courts, halal only in over 50 UK public schools, and the Islamic call to prayer (adhan) being broadcast onto the streets with no concern for the wants and beliefs of non-Muslims, etc.

Her completely ignoring this threat raises a red flag to me, as does her reluctance to want Muslims deported from non-Islamic countries.

Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence Pt. ll

Some of the main reasons we are losing the war with Islam is because of the lack of will to stop respecting it as a religion. The lack of will to drive it from America (or other non-Islamic countries, in a non-violent manner), and finally the non-Muslim need to believe in the fantasy that Islam will reform into an ideology that is non-Muslim friendly. Or something”peaceful” as Hirsi Ali puts it.

Tommy Robinson….I Support Muslims in Office!

English Defence League (EDL) anti-Islam campaign, to hanging around with Muslims behind their backs for 18 months, to joining forces with the so called “moderate” Muslim think tank, the UK”s Quilliam Foudation, and then stabbing the EDL in the back, to fighting the fictional “Islamism”, and now has spiraled down to supporting “Muslims” in office. What a fall from grace! But this is no surprise to me, because this is what happens when for whatever reason, a person is willing to compromise their principles by continually lowering the bar.

The Economist: Islam can Reform….

Here we go again, and this is why I am adamantly against spreading this false hope. Within the past two weeks alone we have had such prominent names as Tommy Robinson and Pamela Geller, imply that Muslims are the solution to our problems with Islam. That there could be a reformation of Islam.

Today’s we see that The Economist has bought into what sounds great, but is not going to happen.

Pamela Geller’s Hypocritical Support of a “Reformation of Islam”

All it takes is for a Muslim to say something non-Muslims want to hear, and many in the non-Muslim community come running in support. If one of them says Islam does not condone terrorism, or that Islam will reform they are mistakenly paraded around as the “savior” of the free world. Some examples of this from the past are “Muslims Against Sharia”, a fraudulent group that I had exposed on my first site, Islaminaction08@yahoo.com. After them I encountered Shoaib Choudhury of Bangladesh who I exposed on Facebook. A so called moderate who had threatened to sue in an effort to silence me, and ended up bilking non-Muslims out of 10’s of thousands of dollars.