NYC: Muslims Make Major Marriage Push

I have said it before and I will say it again. The threat of Islam is two-tier threat. One being the threat of violent jihad. The second being what I call insidious Islam, AKA stealth jihad. In which Muslims use the freedoms of the West against the West in order to change non-Islamic countries to suit Islam.

US Army: Muslims Want Peace

Shorty after 911 is when I first took on the subject of the threat of Islam. Ever since then it was obvious that the “response” of Western authority figures was an attempt to sort out the so called good Muslims from the bad. While not naming Islam itself as an enemy ideology. An attempt that has empowered Islam to expand across the West.

Sabeel Ahmed/Gain Peace Watch: Is Islam’s Allah the God of Judaism & Christianity?

Unfortunately much of today’s mainstream media plays a huge role in the war with Islam. The role of empowering the enemy ideology of Islam because the media rarely challenges Muslim propagandists. So of course Muslim misinformation agents will gladly exploit the ignorance and cowardice of the media, and or use their own social media pages to do so as Sabeel Ahmed does. Recently posting YouTube video shorts. Sometimes a few a day.