21 search results for "hirsi"

Clarion & Apostate Ali: Give us More Money so we can Further Mislead the Public

Ever since 911 Western policy has been a futile effort to sort out the so called “good” Muslims from the bad. Which includes the support of so called reformers like Zuhdi Jasser. A policy that is clearly not working across the West though. Because the West is clearly being changed to suit Islam. This policy is just a feel good fantasy which implies that one day we will have a peaceful coexistence with Islam. Which is something much of the public obviously wants to hear. Because most people do not want to fight this perpetual war.

The Rebel TV & Ezra Levant Promote Muslim Propagandist Malala Yousafzai

Yes there is sympathy for her because the Taliban shot her in the face. In no way though is that an excuse for such faulty reporting. As Rebel TV and Ezra Levant put her on a pedestal in their failed attempt at playing the “good” Muslim, bad Muslim “game”. A “game” the MSM media has been playing for years. A “game” that really should be referred to as Islamic Roulette.

Zuhdi Jasser Says Islam Will Reform, I State why it Will NOT

For years I have been saying that when it comes to Islam, in the end it will be life as we know it, or Islamic rule. It’s time to take a side. Unfortunately that it is a reality that much of the West does not want to face. Many wanting to believe that in the end there will be so kind of peaceful coexistence with Islam. But where do we see that happening? America? Britain? Canada? Denmark? France? Germany? Holland? India? etc.

Let’s Take it to the Streets!

Hello friends, over the years one of the aspects that separated Logan’s Warning from other great anti-Islam sites was our exclusive reporting.

I risked my life doing the reporting because quite frankly the MSM does not have the knowledge or courage to do it.

The Clarion Project ~ Music Will Save America From Islamic Rule

That’s right. Let’s kill the music and take a step back into the world of reality.

There are so many good people out there educating the public to the dangers of Islam. Unfortunately some of them shoot themselves in the foot by promoting the false notion so called moderate Muslims are going to save America from Islamic rule. But believing that will happen is nothing more than a feel good fantasy. One of the groups many of them support is The Clarion Project. Which is lead by none other than America’s poster boy “moderate” Muslim Zudhi Jasser.

Logan’s Warning to Richard Dawkins ~ Christianity is NOT the Threat

When I first started speaking out against Islam I used to look up to the likes of Frank Gaffney, and Daniel Pipes. But after some time I realized that Frank’s call for an Islamic reformation, and Daniel’s age old slogan of “militant Islam is the problem, moderate Islam is the solution” are just not working. In fact those calls are nothing more than detrimental false hope.

Daniel Pipes: Ignorance at its Finest, as he Desperately Tries to Keep Islam Alive in America!

In a war in which we are losing ground to Islam, there are so called experts who continue to blatantly mislead Americans. As they are $yelling what is nothing more than a feel good fantasy. One of the biggest culprits of this crime against America is so called historian, and specialist on the Middle East and “Islamism”, Professor Daniel Pipes. Here is his latest fantasy posting….

Logan’s Warning Exclusive~ NY Muslims Boast of Peter King Beat Down!

I remember back in December when many of us anti-jihadists got excited when Peter King, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee announced, he will be holding hearings on the “radicalization” of some American Muslims. But then in January that excitement quickly faded for many of us, as King stated he would not be calling Islam expert Robert Spencer, and the Investigative Project on Terrorism’s Steve Emerson as witnesses.