Month: December 2009

Harassment Across Arab World Drives Women Inside

More and more I see Western women converting to Islam. They are conned into believing that women are treated well in Islam. Now I am not saying that the sexual harassment mentioned in this article is part of Islam, but it shows us the basic diminishing attitude towards women that many Muslim men and Islam have. Here is one example of the mistreatment of women in Islam.

Two More Churches Take on Islam

Not too long ago, I was very disappointed by the silence of the Church in regards to Islam. Now as time goes on and the threat becomes clearer and clearer to America, some Church leaders have decided to step up to the plate. I fully support their efforts in this war with Islam and hopefully more will follow.

Please Help Congressional Candidate Lynne Torgerson Defeat CAIR Supporter Keith Ellison

How can a Muslim Congressman that openly supports the Council on American Islamic Relations, be trusted in such a position of power? He cannot and that is why I encourage all readers to pitch in with a donation to help Lynne Torgerson move her campaign forward and defeat Islamist Keith Ellison. For those willing to help, please head to her website to make the donation

Hate Crimes Against Muslims on the Decline

We constantly see Muslims playing the victim card and even US Military leaders were afraid of a backlash against Muslims after the Islamic terrorist attack on Fort Hood. Well the truth is that the number of hate crimes against Muslims is on the decline.

Soros Study: UK Muslims Most Patriotic

Leftist George Soros has reached a new low, as he is looking to give a good name to the Sharia loving Muslims of the UK. Sure Muslims there consider themselves British, as they think that they own the place. Calling for war from the Sharia Courts is a perfect example of this. Next time mind your own business George, some of us actually know what is going on there.

UK Sharia Courts:Sharia is the law of the Land, Wage war

(Repost from Islam in Action.)
When the Sharia Courts in the UK were first announced, anyone who can see past the day that they are in knew that this would lead to nothing but more demands and trouble. In a followup to the “85 Sharia Courts in UK, Says Report” story we learn what the UK Sharia Courts are calling for.

UK Bishop: Taliban can be Admired

Although Muslims of the UK are looking to shove Sharia Law down the throats of everyone there, for the most part the Church is silent. Well that is except when they have a chance to support the enemy,just like they did when they came out in favor of the UK Sharia Courts. The slow suicide continues.

Islam Taking Over Malmo Sweden~Video

While those in the UK that want to keep Britishness alive are in a fight vs. Muslims and leftists, the same problem is happening in Sweden. This is a repost from Islam in Action, but a worthy reminder. Islam and its leftist supporters are like a life threatening disease to Western civilization.