Tag: UK

The UK and US Sharia Push~Video

For years I have been saying to look towards the UK to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam, and the similarities of the Sharia movement can be seen in this video. The good news is that UK Muslim Anjem Choudary states that US Muslims are about 5-10 years behind in this push. Meaning that we still have time to nip this in the bud. Stating that it is not “all” Muslims and then ignoring the problem does not cut it. Below the video are some comments left by US Muslims on this issue.

UK: Jesus4Sharia Debate Postponed

Islam4UK an organization that is promoting a Jesus4Sharia debate with Christian and Jewish leaders, has postponed the event. The reason is that they have not even received a response from Church “leaders”. Past Popes fought Islam head on, but today the Church sits around and watches as Islam slowly devours Western civilization. Grow a spine already!

Soros Study: UK Muslims Most Patriotic

Leftist George Soros has reached a new low, as he is looking to give a good name to the Sharia loving Muslims of the UK. Sure Muslims there consider themselves British, as they think that they own the place. Calling for war from the Sharia Courts is a perfect example of this. Next time mind your own business George, some of us actually know what is going on there.

UK Sharia Courts:Sharia is the law of the Land, Wage war

(Repost from Islam in Action.)
When the Sharia Courts in the UK were first announced, anyone who can see past the day that they are in knew that this would lead to nothing but more demands and trouble. In a followup to the “85 Sharia Courts in UK, Says Report” story we learn what the UK Sharia Courts are calling for.

UK Bishop: Taliban can be Admired

Although Muslims of the UK are looking to shove Sharia Law down the throats of everyone there, for the most part the Church is silent. Well that is except when they have a chance to support the enemy,just like they did when they came out in favor of the UK Sharia Courts. The slow suicide continues.

Jesus is a Slave to Islam

Don’t get mad at me that is not what I believe, but the pro-Sharia Muslims of Islam4UK are looking top stir things up again. Just the other day I posted about their upcoming Jesus 4 Sharia debate. They are challenging UK Christian leaders on the issue of who Jesus really was. Is Jesus really the man as Christians know him or will he come back as a Muslim and destroy Christianity as taught in Islam? I know where I stand.

UK: English Defence League’s Anthem~Video

“I’m England till the day I die” is the slogan for this brave group of Brits that want to keep Britishness alive. Their opposition is the United Against Fascism organization, which is made up of Muslims and leftists. Here is the EDL anthem. BTW, there is a slight message in this video for the Muslims that think that they are going to take the island. Enjoy!