Islam in Italy Conference=Plotting to Takeover Italy

I don’t know about you guys, but I consider all pro-Sharia Muslims the enemy. If it were up to me, they would not be allowed to assemble like this. Allowing them to assemble, plot, and recruit within our countries is equivalent to having a life-threatening disease, and doing nothing to prevent dying a slow death. Because that is what Islam is doing to life as we know it. It is slowly destroying Western Civilization.

Islamic “Peace Conference Scandinavia 2010″~ Video

This is the video advertisement to the Islamic “Peace Conference Scandinavia 2010”. In the video we learn….well we are told that Islam is never wrong, and British traitor Abdul Raheem Green tells us that Allah never does any injustice to his slaves. Hmmm…..has Green actually ever seen how millions upon millions of Muslims live?

In the past Green has called for Muslims to join the jihad, and he clearly supports Islamic Law over the laws of the UK. I will say this over and over. Sharia Law needs to be banned from non-Islamic countries, and any Muslim that calls for it after the law is passed, shall be arrested and deported if possible. All Sharia loving Muslims are to be looked upon as enemies of the state. Just as Nazis were.

NY Muslims Travel to White House to Invite Obama to Islam~ Video

The Islamic hate-mongers of, have traveled to the White House, and invited Dictator Obama to Islam. At the 1:25 mark we see RevolutionMuslim spokesman Younus Abdullah Muhammad push away an elderly counter protester. He later states that if Obama were to be judged by international law he would be hanged. The rest of the video is an absolute tirade aimed at Obama.