Poles Speak out Against Mosque Construction

It is good to see that more of us are waking up to the trouble that Islam brings to our countries. Europe is finally waking up, so lets add the Poles to the recent anti-Islam movements in Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK. Hopefully these protests will snowball across Europe.

UK: Govt has Funded the Spread of Islam

No, this is not an April Fools joke. Most of my readers know that I continually speak out against the “moderate” Islam is coming to the rescue fantasy. One of the reasons I say this, is because the infidel does not get to dictate to Muslims what Islam is. In this article we learn that in their attempt to create some form of “moderate” Islam, the UK has wasted millions of dollars, and has actually helped Islam advance across the country. Here is a clue for the governments of the UK and USA. Stop funding Muslims!