~ Congressman Allen West Tells CAIR Member To Take A Hike! ~Video

Over the years, many ask me, “Who is OUR Geert Wilders? Who will step up to lead the charge to save America from Islam? The answer is quite clear today! Our esteemed leader is the former Army Lt. Colonel and now Congressman Allen West (Republican – 22nd District Florida), a man who has a superior knowledge of Islam, and just as importantly, is not afraid to speak out candidly against its danger to our society.

Churches Open Doors to Islam…

Unfortunately this is not the first time we have seen this suicidal behavior. Why is it so hard for some Christians to understand that Islam is not Christianity friendly?! Have they even bothered to read the Koran? Because if they did they would know that Islam is a destructive religion/ideology and one of its main targets is Christianity! Or do they just want to take the easy way out and remain purposely blind?