Tonight once again we see the attitude that is needed to win this war. That is the infidel on the offensive attitude, and once again we see our fearless friend Pamela Geller take it to the enemy, with her new hard hitting subway ads! Go Geller!
Message to my Muslim “friends””……the infidels are waking up! Within the law, you WILL LOSE this war. Count on it!
Remember the West is Dar al Harb -The House of War. That is Islam’s owndesignation.
War calls for active self-defence.
The tide is turning my friend….
“Never give in!
Never! Never! Never!”
Sir Winston Churchill.
G0d bless Pam;-)))))))
No Surrender Ever.
Great job, Pamela and Chris!
Huge thanks to Pamela and Chris.
Hello there. I really enjoyed looking through the comments listed here and just how educational the data here is. Don’t you totally agree that Ethernet will be the method for the long run? The costs of Ethernet for companies is falling on a regular basis and is getting way less costly than it ever was.
must be why u can afford it mussi.
Yes, congrats to Pam Geller!
She is really taking them on!
We need to expose the Quran more to the public!
Thanks for reporting Chris!
I find this website and the author of this article/website to be quite hilarious. Not only does be have zero knowledge of Islam, he also tries to show that he has knowledge by writing false quotations and misinterpreting the words of the Koran. Arabic used in the Koran is actually one of the most complex languages and ordinary haters like you don’t have the mental capacity to understand what certain words refer to. This verse from the Koran is simply referring to the fate of those who don’t believe, the fate they will meet in the afterlife. Wasnt Sodom destroyed by God because of the fact that they didn’t believe in Lot’s message. Same thing applies here, but I forgot you modern rednecks really don’t have the abilit or capacity to take in sentences with more than 10 words in them. Hypocrites, hypocrites everywhere.
Don’t waste time. Point out the “false quotations, and misinterpretations”. Why should anyone take your word? As for the translations, they were done by experts. You are?
That verse is also about them being terrorized in this life.
You know what’s really funny, it’s you trying to find negativities in words that have no hatred at all. Simply copying and pasting a tafsir isn’t going to do anything for you. “We” stands for God, in fact God refers to himself as We many times in the Koran. Oh yea, he is trying to say that you will be punished for not believing, same ideology for other religions, if you spent believe in Jesus, you will be punished or if your not Jewish you will be punished. This is the same concept as other religions but unfortunately some people are dumb enough to no e able to read between the lines
There is clear hatred in that verse, and throughout the Koran. You made claims in your first post. Do you think the readers do not see you did not prove them? Just another game playing Muslim who fails at Logan’s Warning. We are done.
The verse is about the battle of Uhud. Koran verse 8:60 (Ali) also condones terrorism. Here is a clue, nothing you will say will get me to accept Islam, or Islamic rule. Is that clear enough for you?
@More Educated Than You
No you are not. My family have been Protestant Christians since the Reformation and we know you for who you are, the minions of satan. You believe in a god who only guarantees you one way in to paradise, the mass murder of others, that you poor fodder for hell fire is satanism.
I find it quiet hilarious that you can do no better than vague comments, and personal attacks. PROVE your claims on your next post.
Tell those lies and deceptions to all the Americans dead or maimed by Muslims and their jihad of terror, fool. Go tell all the people under threat of a death fatwa that there’s nothing to fear from Islam. Excuse me now while I go spit on your unholy Koran – the book of hate. You’re not fooling anyone dumb ass.
Do you speak arabic or do you not have the mental capacity to understand it? No doubt you will lie so no point responding. Do you seriously believe we take any of your lies as truth? Wake up dear – islam is now exposing itself to be nasty ideology it really is.
That’s it Charlie. Stay on the offensive!
ALL of us on this website have more than enough knowledge of islam. Anyone can check quotations from the unholy quran that have been translated by arabs directly into English. Saying “the language is complex” is TAQIYYA. We know all about taqiyya – lying to advance islam.
You obviously already know you’ve lost this argument because you’ve resorted to name-calling – the last bastion of those who can’t debate so they resort to discrediting their opponents by calling them names.
Pathetic. And childish; completely and utterly childish.
Love the passion Susan!
Wrong, LOL you dot even know what takiyyah means! Hilarious and to call yourselfs knowledgable…
Pray tell More Educated what lie do you offer us for the definition of takiyyah? I so need a laugh just now please answer wont you?
Wow you guys probably consider JFK’s assassination a lie as well. Heck, everything is a lie to you people. Takiyyah is the act of hiding your faith in order to protect yourself in times of war or persecution. A perfect example would be a Muslim using takiyyah to save himself during the Spanish Inquisition. However, I am not are you guys even know what the inquisition is. Read up instead of taking things in from fox news
The bottom line is that Islam allows lying. Mohammad’s words outweigh ANYTHING you have to say on Islam.
Bottom line is that you misinterpret everything. Saving yourself in times of persecution is precisely the reason. Muslims arent at war with the world. The only lies I’m hearing are the ones spread by Logan and his cult of hate.
Of course you do not prove he is “misinterpreting” the scriptures, nor do you prove your claim of “lies”. Goes to show you just how weak your argument is. Just a bunch of unsubstantiated claims, and you have had more than enough to prove them. Game over.
Enjoy obsessing over me!
Mohammad said he was going to drive all Christians and Jews out of the Arabian Peninsula. (Muslim). That is war.
Saving yourself in times of persecution is precisely the reason.
If you have submitted to your Allah, then there is nothing to save.
No will.
No intentions.
No emotions.
No spirit.
The only lies I’m hearing are the ones spread by Logan and his cult of hate.
That is so true Susan and I am with the part about lying because 80 percent don’t know Arabic and less than 15 percent know more than 10 words of Arabic.
What is really pathetic is most leaders in the West who should know better who fall for BS promoted by Islamists like “More” instead of acknowledging the actual physical evidence of Islam around the world:
– Unending infighting among backward Muslim tribes and sects
– Unending violence against women
– Unending acts of terror
– Unending deception (taqiyya)
– Unending hatred toward Jews and Israel
– Unending intolerance (except when it benefits the spread of their vile ideology)
– Unending supremacist rantings and attempts of violent conquest.
The correct interpretation of the Qur’an is evidenced by the actual fruits of the Islamic ideology, a fascist political movement hiding under a satanic religion.
Unending, just like the fires of Gehenna.
It’s amazing how much hate and evil we see on a daily basis being perpetrated by those who say Islam is a “religion of peace.” Yet, it is abundantly clear from the Qur’an as well as the actions and words of those WITHIN Islam that Islam is the furthest thing FROM being a religion of peace.
It’s absolutely amazing that there are people like YOU who continue to imply that all RADICAL Muslims have it WRONG, yet this is how they live.
I’ve read the entire Qur’an and have numerous books on the Hadith in my library as well. More over, recognized leaders within Islam preach hatred against all who are not part of Islam.
The problem is that the truth is becoming too widespread for even YOU to continue to deny it. Yet here you are…
Tell it to those Africans with hand and foot cut off.
Tell it to the children enslaved in Mali.
Tell it to the Indian women doused with acid.
Tell it to the girls lashed for being rape vicitms.
Tell it to the unpaid maids in Saudi Arabia raped and abused.
Tell it to the corpses of the “honour”- murdered girls.
Tell it to the charred corpses of the petrol victims burnt alive.
Put them straight.
Tell them how they have got it all wrong.
“If you kill one person unjustly it is as if you killed the whole humanity, and if you saved once person it is as if you saved the whole humanity.” (Quran Surah 5 Verse No 32)
There is a difference between culture and religion, learn that difference an you will sound much smarter than you sound right now.
A difference in culture and religion?
In the West there is.
In the Ummah, no.
Stop lying to us by defining your religion and culture in Western terms.
In Islam, the doctrine and practice extend into every single area of culture, society, politics and life.
No matter how personal the practice, Islam has a prescription for it.
Stop trying to convince us that Islam is of the West.
It is not.
You might want to actually post the entire verse con artist.
Spreading mischief can be defined as almost anything.
lie = busted!
“Spreading mischief” is like “innocent” in the lexicon of murderers…
Welcome to the site Sashland!
Attention Mr. educated.
Every Quran in the United States has one purpose. It should be set next to every toilet in place of a roll of toilet paper.
6th century barbarian ”culture”, women wearing bedsheets and men wearing dresses with rags on their heads………….. you call that culture? Your ”religion” is evil cult.. . each one of you will burn in the fires of hell…………. you want some culture,, check out Dante inferno…. o that’s right, you can’t read..
X3 , It should since the Quran is cheap and that it can last 3 months as toilet paper
I hate to disagree with you but I must argue that the koran does NOT make good toilet paper. The pages are way too coarse, you have to crinkle them up to make them soft enough, even then… On the other hand, take a few pages with you when walking the dog, THAT’s an appropriate use of the islamic hate and death manual.
Death to islame
Thank you
You carefully quote only PART of Koran 5:32-33. Here are the missing parts:
“O Children of Israel…”
You see, it is addressed not to muslims, but to Jews. The fine-sounding words (taken from the Torah) apply to Jews “except for those who cause mischief in the land”. This is one of those everlastingly stretchable definitions that can be used to cover ANYTHING, like speaking out against Islam (Pym van Fortuyn), or making a film called “Submission” (Theo van Gogh).
And what happens to those who cause mischief in the land ? This is another part you thoughtfully left out, verse 33 that follows:
“Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,”
In other words, “Jews, embrace Islam or be cruelly killed”. This is the verse written, in proper Arabic, of course, above the crucified corpse of an alleged spy in Yemen (Atlas Shrugs 21 May 2012). Sharia does not require anything as tiresome as a trial, just make sure the identification is accurate and then kill the person (Ayatollah Khomeini).
Cutting off alternate hand and foot continues in Africa. Pictures can be found on the internet.
More Educated Than You on January 17, 2013 at 5:39 am
“learn that difference an you will sound much smarter than you sound right now.”
You could not sound more stupid. But I’ll give you time to prove me wrong.
Prove something? “More Educated” is just another slave who say anything to protect Islam. If I had to lie and deceive to get people to follow my beliefs I would embarrassed. I would be embarrassed to be part of the ummah.
Agreed. Lying to people isn’t a good way to recruit and keep people who will be devoted followers of islam. That’s why for every person who becomes islamic through choice, 3 people choose apostasy. Imagine that! The penalty for leaving islam is death and people would rather die than stay islamic!
I’m giving him time to prove I’m wrong in assuming he’s reached the bottom of stupidity.
I suggest you all read up on Islamic history before you take it in from media sources. You might want to also read up the changed that happened in the savage Arab lands once Islam came in that region. Unfortunately, no one here is moderate enough to do that. This is why America is not at the top anymore, because we have diving inconsiderate KKK- like I knowledgable hate groups. BTW, you guys are considered mental nutcases on the interwebs. I read some the bs quotes you put on the side of the website and half of them don’t even have a source! Lol please make legitimate claims, unfortunately your to busy blurring your mind with hate. You guys are worse than the terrorist who killed the Zionists. Terrosists target Zionist because of Zionism not Judaism, you guys target Islam which is absurd and ridiculous. You guys even have a college degree?
“You guys even have a college degree?”
You people are committing mass murder in brutal horrific ways in the name of your satanic god. There is no defending that. Your brother Morisi is slaughtering my brothers and sisters the Coptic Christians. My people are being horrifically murdered by you satanists all over the world, not 500 years ago but today.
Take your BS attitude and shove it up your filthy bung hole you savage!
Hate? Yeah I guess but you forced me here. You see I once was a brain dead, over educated,peace and love, deluded, lefty. Then you started on your murder binge in the country of my ancestors and now in my country and to my people world wide. YES I HATE YOU and your satan cult!
Killers all!
After 9/11 some of us woke up. The rest got in bed with the enemy.
Your post is nothing but insults, Red Herrings and Straw Man arguments. You’re right about one thing though. We target Islam and for good reason which I won’t go into here because you’re a bigot and it would simply be a waste of my time.
Yes, the slaughter of 10’s of millions of Hindus, the conquests over Egypt, and Persia are just part of Islam’s bloody history.
Anyone can Google them for sources. It is comical that you are so pathetic that all you can do is make claim after claim, without providing any proof whatsoever.
You should be called “Dumber than you are” because you don’t show evidence, give us a link to a fucking site (pardon my Arabic) and give us whole quotes to prove us wrong. Because literally you are speaking shit, don’t tell us we are wrong show us but why should I bother since you would lie anyways.
talking to smarter than you are
Exactly! No evidence whatsoever.
Muslims continually come here and make claims of “ignorance and lies”. Yet they do not prove it. Apparently that is the best they can do.
“an excellent pattern …. between us and you animosity and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone”.
Koran 60:4
“Battle, animosity, and hatred — directed from the Muslim to the infidel — is the foundation of our religion.”
Osama bin Laden, open letter after 9/11
“As a Muslim, I must have hatred for everything which is non-Islam”,
Anjem Choudary, BBCNewsnight, January 2007, (youtube).
Oh dear, oh dear, in spite of our college degrees we persist in forming mistaken impressions of Islam. Naturally we do not understand old classical Quraysh Arabic, just like most of the millions of muslims in Pakistan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Indonesia, and so on. What a handicap. We probably do not understand English when spoken by Anjem Choudary. “Taken out of context”: that’s it, of course. What hardship it is to be a kafir.
Have pity on us.
Western civilization is superior to the Islamic civilization. This is indisputable among clear thinking rational people who value freedom and aren’t afraid of being labeled “racist”. In fact, I don’t even consider Islam a civilization at all. I consider it a barbarous and thuggish cult-like system of hate and oppression. There is no justification for accepting Islam into our free societies let alone it’s inclusion into the family of great religions.
On the subject of civilisation …… here you can see muslims burning Christians alive:
Islam and Environmentalism: United in Anti-Humanism »
by Theodore Shoebat 18 Jan 2013
The whole point is that the message is a bit snarky. It just the type of message that would invoke a non-believer to run right out and join the world’s largest pagan religion. “Islam is peace” would have been a much better lie to attempt to spread than the above equivalent of “We’re gonna get you suckas!!!” Oh wait; Islam is already spreading that lie. Anyway, no thanx; no impotent principality of the Arabian pantheon of demons for me. I’ll stick with Adonai!!!
These ads are very cool. They’re bringing the debate right out into the open. It’s an in-you-face challenge for non Muslims to face up to what’s going down. Can’t hide. I hope Geller keeps it up.
More Educated than You. Yes as you are a Muslim you would be more educated than me. That is, if you attended a London Islamic School, as a child not an adult, you would be taught how to cut off hands and feet of thieves. You would have had very little playtime and no time for dancing or music lessons, but you would be highly educated in reading the Koran in Arabic and learning it by heart.
If you are a woman, you would be taught in a London mosque to kill, kill, kill the infidel and that only men get into paradise. Hell apparently is full of women. As a Muslim you would be highly educated in the art of deception.
In every country in the world Muslims are causing trouble because they want to force sharia law on others. In England Muslims with a brain the size of a pea want to circumcise every woman. They have done this by force in other countries. They don’t know why they want to mutilate women’s sex organs, but they are discouraged from birth from thinking for themselves. They are taught to have no compassion.
Are you so educated that you have evolved enough to use toilet paper or do you still get excrement down your fingernails? Do you still pray five times a day after emptying your snot down the kitchen sink?
If you are a man, do you have a beard because your religion dictates it? If you are a woman do you frequently remove your pubic hair to be ready for your husband to jump on you every time he wants sex? Or have you enough brain to decide for yourself?
Have you enough brain to value music or is your music the howling from minarets? Not one of my comments comes from ‘misunderstanding’ Islam; it comes from knowledge.
That’s a great comment, but I don’t think Mr. educated can comprehend its content since he hasn’t responded. . He’s probably out looking for a new dress to wear with matching rags for his head. These Muslims are inbred and lacking of gray matter.
A MILLION congratulations to Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer and Logan for keeping us abreast of what is going on.
Thanks, Caroleigh. They always disappear when I mention toilet paper, but I find it irresistible to do so. Not one has ever said that this is a Western standard that they have now adopted, so I’m left with the Koran which orders them to wipe their behinds with the left hand and that this hand is to be used for making love to a woman!! The right hand is for eating. But, stop – you need both hands for preparing the food!
I agree with your comments. Dresses? Mmm. I think you have a point. Have you ever heard about Muslim ladyboys? : lol:
The people on this website misinterpret everything. It happens when your heart is filled with hate, your mind does not work. My advice to you is just wait for a few years or perhaps for a few decades and you shall know, after you die. Your war against God and his word will be recompensed.
Oh gee, another Muslim who says everything is “misinterpreted”, but does not prove it. Prove your point.
My advice to you is to fact the reality that I will continue to rally more non-Muslims against Islam. Is that clear enough for you?
get a life…no person is going to make america a muslim country and no person will be able to eliminate Islam or the entire muslim population of almost 2 billion spread all across the globe. So chill, live and let live.
The country is clearing being Islamified. One just needs to take a look at Dearborn Michigan to see that, and I do not see anyone saying to kill all Muslims. Your words do not erase the facts.
There is no “live and let live” in Islam.
It is “embrace Islam, or dhimmitude, or be killed”.
he (the Prophet) said: ‘Fight with them until they bear testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger’ (Sahih Muslim 31:5917)
Just to clarify…The hadith you talk of uses the arabic word ‘Jihad’ not the english word ‘fight’. Also this Hadith mentions “I have been told to Do ‘Jihad’ with them until they bear testimony….”
The meaning of Jihad in English is ‘to strive’ and ‘to struggle’. Even having a debate or preaching is ‘striving’ or ‘struggling’ and hence comes under the definition of the arabic word Jihad. The arabic word for Fight is ‘Qitaal’. This hadith did not use the word ‘Qitaal’. So in order to do a correct translation, you need to understand Arabic thoroughly.
I am not going to try to convert anyone. All I say is live and let live. chill.
Jihad has more than one meaning. There is an offensive jihad, as Michael C has stated. Your con fails here.
Islam does not live and let live.
Just to clarify….
Do you see the words “save their lives”? I sure do, and the meaning is clear.
“Jihad means to war against non-muslims”, Manual of Islamic Law o9.0. The war is against them BECAUSE they are not muslim:
“Fight those who do not believe….” Koran 9:29
Muslims are ‘merciful to one another but ruthless to the unbeliever”, Koran 48:29.
Islam is “enforcement of power over the infidels” (Abu Baseer). There is no “live and let live”.
“Does Islam, or does it not, force people by the power of the sword to submit…? Yes”,
Osama bin Laden (, 28 June 2011)
The verses you quote from Sura 9 are in the situation of War in the Battlefield. This surah was revealed when the Jews of Madinah had secretly broken a peace treaty with the muslims and had incited the makkan pagans against the muslims. So this (9:29) verse applies to the warring unbelievers in the battlefield, not to the unbelievers who are not at war with muslims and islam.
The verse you quote from surah 48:29 is correctly translated as ‘the muslims are strong (united) against the unbelievers and compassionate among themselves (for unity)’
finally there is a verse in the Quran 2: 256 ‘There is no compulsion in Religion’.
I will not want to argue with you any further, for people like you there is a verse in the Quran 2:7 ‘God has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing.Theirs will be a great torment’
I am sure you will not stop misinterpreting the glorious Quran and Hadith because you have been ordained by God to do so. Its your destiny.
9:29 is a call to dominate non-Muslims. That is proven here in the Reliance of the Traveller, which has the stamp of approval of Egypt’s Al Azhar. You are?
You left out the fact that Islamic Law calls for the dominance over non-Muslims. By force if necessary. There is your “misinterpretation”.
Unfortunately for your argument I and most of the readers here know the doctrine of abrogation, and how it overrides Koran 2, which is rendered of no effect thereby.
Maybe you could redirect your educational efforts to Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb, to Moktar Belmoktar, to prevent thier next attack on infidels which they specifically said was “to show America what Islam is”.
The ‘Doctrine of abrogation’ is a mis information. Each and every verse in the Quran is valid till the end of times. So the verses revealed in Makkah are as valid as the verses revealed in Madinah. Each verse is for a particular situation. The verses about fighting with the unbellievers are in situations of war, in the battlefield. The verses about ‘for you is your religion and for me is mine’ (Quran 109:6) and ‘there is no compulsion in religion’ (2:256) are in normal times (outwith the battlefield).
Regarding Al Qaeda…its foolishness to judge Islam by the actions of Al Qaeda. It has been termed as ‘the deviant sect’ by top scholars in Saudi and Egypt.
For you is your religion, for me is mine.
Yes, Islam calls for Muslims to dominate non-Muslims for all times. TRY IT….
Once again, you leave out the fact that Islamic Law is to be put upon non-Muslims, by force if necessary.
Prove top scholars said that.
Funny how you say you are not coming back and keep changing your ip address. Just like that obsessed freak Veiled Feminist AKA UNKNOWN in the UK.
Yes, Islam calls for the rape of sex slaves (Koran verses 4:24, 4:25, and 33:50) for all times. Keep talking….
“God has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment.” Quran 2:7
“In their hearts is disease, so God has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie”. Quran 2:10
“And when it is said to them, “Do not cause corruption on the earth,” they say, “We are but reformers.”Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive [it] not”. Quran 2:11-12
You have been ordained by God to continue your war against God and his word. You just have to wait for a few decades and you will get your recompense in your graves and on resurrection.
Frightening. Islam allows child marriage, rape, and slavery. It is the disease. A disease you do not have the moral courage to condemn, so don’t come here trying to give me advice. Seek help.
Good duck on the Bukhari hadith I posted. No surprise at all though.
Bringing back slavery is “reforming”? Amazing.
I have answers to all your crap:
1. No verse in the Quran or Hadith ordains Rape. Its your lies and misinterpretation. Islam tells men to marry slave girls and forbids rape.
“O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion”. (Quran 4:19) This clearly forbids rape of women captured.
“and whoever among you cannot [find] the means to marry free, believing women, then [he may marry] from those whom your right hands possess of believing slave girls” (Quran 4:25) This tells men to marry slave girls.
2. Slavery in Islam was not like Roman Slavery. Its was more equivalent to having a servant and the servant could make a contract to get his freedom to stop work with his employer. Do you even know that the Ottoman empire is often called the Empire of ‘Slave Kings’ because several Ottoman kings were former slaves or sons of slaves. This is the high status Islamic emprires awarded to slaves unlike the roman concept of slavery.
3. How can you say that an 18 year old is an adult? a few years ago the west recognised 16 year olds as adults. After 50 years another man made law may be made that 18 year olds are minors and an adult is from 21 years. Islam (God’s Law) recognises that every person is unique and different, some people are precocious and are fully grown up mentally and physically at a young age, others are not till a later age. In Islam 16 – 17 year olds have led armies and led prayers also. Islam does not supress a person due to young age. If a young person is wise and mature Islam treats them and respects them as an adult.
Getting mad slave?
1. Koran verses 4:24, 4:25, and 33:50 OK the rape of captives of war. This is clearly backed up by the Sahih Muslim Ahadith. You are?
Right, their families were killed, they were taken captive, and not only did they want to have sex with those who captured them, they also wanted to have their babies. Keep trying…. only the sick would try and justify that. BTW, it says they can marry their slaves. But they do not have to!
2. Don’t try and justify slavery to me. Mohammad allowed slaves to be beaten.
3. There is no age minimum for marriage in Islam. So now you are trying to justify what those with morals call pedophilia. You are sick, and do not and will not get an once of respect from me.
Right, their families were killed, they were taken captive, and not only did they want to have sex with those who captured them, they also wanted to have their babies.
Kill families.
Enslave women.
Impregnate them.
Sure, that’s a good way to create good will.
You keep ducking…..
Try and impose Islamic rule on America….
Slavery in Islam was not like Roman Slavery. Its was more equivalent to having a servant and the servant could make a contract to get his freedom to stop work with his employer.
Slaves are taken in war.
They are bought and sold like cattle.
The institution of slavery requires the presence of violence on every level of the society.
The Ummah is the only place where it thrives in the present day.
You never had an abolitionist movement.
620,000 Americans died to free 4 million slaves.
No Muslim has ever died to free even one.
Your history speaks for the corruption of your culture.
How can you say that an 18 year old is an adult? a few years ago the west recognised 16 year olds as adults.
The West has never recognized 16-year-olds as adults.
They do not vote.
If they work, they have no voice in the conditions under which they do so.
They are not eligible for union membership.
The ones who try to put on the adult life early are miserable, and pay a high price for doing so.
The mark of an adult is not physical, but political and economic.
The adult votes.
The adult earns enough to make his or her own living and lives beyond the family.
These are modern definitions, and they have no standing in the primitive “civilization” known as the Ummah.
Interesting to see in your frustration you start on personal attacks, shows your calibre.
You have a disease of misinterpreting the Quran and Hadith and you very well know you are misinterpreting.
1. The rule in the Quran is that each and every verse in valid till the end of times and the islamic law (Shariah) is made from looking at all the verses on a particular topic.
Quran 4:19 says ‘O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion.’ prohibits any sort of rape.
Quran 4:24 “And [also prohibited to you all in marriage] are married women except those your right hands possess.” This says that married women cannot be married except slave women who were formerly married, but then these slave women must have accepted Islam, for muslims to marry them (as mentioned in the 4:25), if they accept islam, the former marriages of the slave women are anulled.
Quran 4:25 “And whoever among you cannot [find] the means to marry free, believing women, then [he may marry] from those whom your right hands possess of believing slave girls.” note the verse mentions believing slave girls for marriage, so unbeleiving slave women CANNOT be married nor raped as prohibited in 4:19 above
Again read Quran 33:50 in context. The Quran is mentioning about marriage here.
Quran 33:49 “O You who have believed, when you marry believing women and then divorce them before you have touched them, then there is not for you any waiting period to count concerning them.”
then Quran 33:50 says “O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation and those your right hand possesses from what Allah has returned to you [of captives] and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who emigrated with you and a believing woman if she gives herself to the Prophet [and] if the Prophet wishes to marry her, [this is] only for you, excluding the [other] believers”.
The above part is referring to the women the prophet (saw) is allowed to Marry as it inludes what your right hands possess,daughters of your uncles, aunts, the beleiving women, etc
The second Part of 33:50 is “.. We certainly know what We have made obligatory upon them (believers) concerning their wives and those their right hands possess, [but this is for you] in order that there will be upon you no discomfort. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.”
The second part addresses the believers and says we know what we have made obligatory upon them. Which is verse 4:25 to marry free women or slave women.
I am not frustrated. I just have no respect for you or Islam. Like I said, only the sick try and justify slavery and rape, and once again. They do NOT have to marry them. Good duck on my comment about Veiled Feminist….
Let me know when you want to play Mohammad and take captives….YOU WILL LOSE.
Right, their families were killed and the women then wanted sex with those who took them captives. Only a diseased mind would think that. We are done.
Oh look…you changed your IP address again. Just like my fatal attraction Veiled Feminist. LOL
About your Hadiths, that is gross misinterpretation yet again.
The Hadith you mention about Azl does not mention anywhere that the women were raped or not married to. In fact in the context of the Quranic verses above of marrying ‘believing slave women’ (Quran 4:25)makes it clear that the women taken captive had become believers and were married by the muslims. Also in context of Quran 4:19, it also makes it clear that these women were not married forcefully but out of their own will. The hadith actually mentions about Birth Control and whether that is allowed in Islam, and some scholars say that in light of this Hadith, birth control is allowed.
Regarding the words ‘we also desired ransom for them’ means that even though they were the wives of the muslim men, these women were still slaves and if their tribes wanted to pay a ransom, they would be made freed women (would still be wives of the muslims but would become free women wives). However islamic law says that when the believing slave wife of a muslim man gives birth to his child, she automatically becomes free, without anyone of her tribe needing to pay any ransom to make her a free woman. Hence the muslims asking the Prophet (saw) about birth control.
Furthermore there are Hadith of the Prophet (saw) that it is an preferred deed to free a believing slave woman and marry her. So even though it is allowed to marry a believing slave woman (Quran 4:25) while she remains a slave, it is preferred to free her and then marry her. However even if the slave wife is not freed on marriage, she is automatically freed on the birth of her first child.
That is some context, if you use your brains!!
No, the verse said some had become believers….I cannot imagine why…..
LOOK at you trying to justify slavery and ransom. How sick you are! Thanks for proving my point.
BTW, the plural of hadith is “ahadith”, not hadiths.
NOTHING about having to marry them in these ahadith. Because they can, but do NOT have to marry their captives of war.
You are a savage for trying to cover for such behavior. They were TAKEN prisoners, those with morals know it is rape. But under your sick belief system it is not considered rape, and is legal. Seek help.
It is deeply offensive that you show respect to a child abusing, slave trading murderer. I spit on your prophet, your god and your “religion”.
It’s that obsessed freak Veiled Feminist in the UK.
why did you delete my comments where I explained your misinterpretation of Sahih Bukhari hadith book 2 Number 24?
It is ‘Strive’ not Fight.
and it is ‘they have their lives and property protected by me’ as the correct translation.
You are a game playing liar, who is now a waste of my time.
That is not correct translation.
Obviously your word means nothing.That is besides being so vile by trying to justify slavery, the rape of sex slaves, and ransom. You are an enemy of non-Muslims.TRY to get me to pay jizya. You will have to kill me. YOU up to it slave?
End of conversation.
Jihad is destruction as all war is destruction.
There is nothing in it that builds ANYTHING.
The Mr.Nice Guy peaceful considerate message you promote is at variance with that given by our teachers. Our teachers are 9/11, London 7/7, Madrid, Bombay, Beslan, Moscow Metro, Paris Metro, USS Cole, US Embassy, Kenya, Fort Hood, Little Rock, Stockholm, Times Square, the Underwear Bomber, and, further afield, Thailand, The Philippines, Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Algeria, Egypt, in fact anywhere the “ideological political movement” asserts itself.
Take the Mr. Nice Guy message to them. Put them right. We shall stick with our teachers.
Two explanations of Jihad:
“The meaning of Jihad in English is ‘to strive’ and ‘to struggle’ ” (muslim, above).
“Jihad stands for killing all kafirs around the world”, Ayatollah Khomeini (Islam Watch)
Canny kafirs know which one to rely on.
Islam terms the West “Dar al Harb”, the Abode of War.
In a “battle situation” self-defence is a duty.
Khomeini’s successors are busy developing nuclear bombs. Taking seriously what he said is the West’s responsibility. Achieving the correct interpretation in context is easy.
Muslim, give up Islam and enjoy Westerm values. It is so much easier than having a totalitarian ideology tell you what to do, from your treatment of women, to what you eat, from fasting at certain times even if you endanger the lives of others by, say driving while dehydrated, from destroying all dogs to destroying women who are raped. And so the grisly, gruesome pageant continues. This is not spiritual.
The “live and let live” liar above has been justly deleted. Here speaks Tim Marshall, of Sky News, to a war prisoner in Syria:
“What is the future in Syria for the minorities …?
“O.K., they have three choices, either they became a Muslim, or they have to pay the jizya, or to be killed.”
( 8 Dec 2012).
No difficulty in interpretation or context there.
To the Non-Muslims: The Quran was sent down over a 23 year period. The verses therein are to be followed in certain Circumstances i.e. war, Jihad, punishments for crimes. Other verses are to be followed at all times i.e. praying, being clean, being nice to neighbors, charity, God consciousness etc. The verses on the NY train station are for during times of oppression, war, people taking your lands etc. But it goes even further than that in order to implement this verse Muslims must be under one rule i.e. a president of the Muslims at large. No such thing exist at this present time. If someone broke into my house I will without a doubt strike fear into them in away they have never imagined so that one: They never come back, two: they warn other people about me. Our US government is doing this very thing and all countries are also practicing this thing. Islam is against all aspects of suicide, bombing, killing innocent children, women, men. Islam is against oppression. What you see or hear on TV is one: lies, two cultures. My proof is the KKK, the Serbs etc. These are Christians but we know they are not. One last thing. The Quran does not tell us how to pray or cover or fast. Our example is in the best of Creation: Muhammad S.A.W. You can’t have the Quran without the Sunnah of the Prophet so when you read these verse go and read the tafsir from of course Muslim scholars not Christian scholars who say they are knowledgeable about Islam: Would you let a naturalpathic doctor perform heart surgery on you? Of course not. for authentic unbiased as is Islam. No sugar coating. for those that are serious about knowing what Islam really is.
The Koran is for all times, and it calls for Muslims to dominate non-Muslims. There is also an offensive jihad, but of course you fail to mention that. Mohammad was a savage, who raped, lied, plundered, and married a child. He said he would drive all Christians and Jews out of the Arabian Peninsula. (Muslim). YOUR hero, and that is all I need to know about you. An enemy to non-Muslims. TRY and force Islamic rule on America…
Anyone wanting to obtain the truth about Islam and Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Go see what these Muslims really believe. Go see what and how they about non Muslims. Down load free copies of the Quran and the full complete life story of Muhammad. S.A.W. down free hadith books and get questions answered by the world’s leading Islamic scholars.
Oh look….another Muslim who keeps changing their IP address. Sounds so familiar….
Great duck on my points on Islam.
Why don’t YOU address my points? addresses those issues in detail without being biased. People can read about Islam in detail without an agenda. And questions like is female genital mutilation or suicide or rape and murder condoned in Islam? Did Muhammad S.A.W. beat or steal? Did he teach Muslims to hate non Muslims etc. Then you can post that information here or anywhere and expose Islam for what it really is at which point people will actually havery knowledge about Islam.
Slave, don’t play games.I mentioned a Muslim hadith, and other actions of your hero Mohammad. Address them or we are done. Is that clear enough for you?
Islam allows the rape of pows. Koran 4:24, 4:25, and 33:50. Backed up by the Muslim Ahadith.
Father Zakaria Botros – native speaker of Arabic – has a site that tells you about the life of Mohammed, direct from Islam’s own sources, and without filtering out the embarrassing and disgraceful details. Al Qaeda has put a $60m bounty on him. Now why is that ?
Of course this was ignored. I would be embarrassed to be part of the ummah.
To the Non-Muslims: The Quran was sent down over a 23 year period. The verses therein are to be followed in certain Circumstances i.e. war, Jihad, punishments for crimes. Other verses are to be followed at all times i.e. praying, being clean, being nice to neighbors, charity, God consciousness etc.
Your point’s well taken.
Every religion has three components– content, assent and trust, according to John Calvin.
The content of Islam, as its scriptures, doctrines, traditions and practices, is extraordinarily violent and anti-humanistic.
In the Ummah, we see a culture that does not question itself much, and chooses to criticize, question and attack outsiders endlessly.
How do you reconcile the life of Mohammed with a life in a modern Western city?
There are many in the Ummah who do not, and they choose to brutalize the non-Muslims around them.
While the instances of such brutality here in America are more spread out, in Europe, the conflict between the cultures is inescapable.
And eventually, it will be here.
I’ll grant you that all Muslims do not practice Islam in the same way, but the civil among them refuse to confront and civilize the more brutal among them.
In other words, a civil Islam is not being practiced consistently from one place to another. If it were, then we could say that Islam is compatible with pluralism.
It is not.
It is this, and the violent content of the tradition itself, that makes non-Muslims so irrevocably opposed to the Ummah.
We will not eat halal meat– it is slaughtered and sacrificed to a god not ours.
We will not refuse to study Joan of Arc, Charles Martel or Jan Sobieski. These are our heroes, and we will not vilify them to please the Ummah.
We espouse individualism and the rule of human law, law based on reason, we will not submit to “Allah’s” laws or traditions.
This doesn’t mean that you are evil.
It only means that you are confronted by true pluralism that is not on you terms.
No one will be wearing the zunnar in the next century.
No one will move aside for you as you walk down the street.
How ever will you cope with being . . . just human?
That’s “your terms” of course.
Still, as written above, your point’s well taken.
My idea of a civilized Muslim is Salman Rushdie. He practices tolerance because he as been protected from the rage of the Ummah by the tolerant, the West, the true.
The ring of iron did not break because human law is truly superior to anything that clothes itself in the divine.
“The Quran directly commands us to commit terrorism, so why are we afraid of it?”
Ragab Hilal Hamida, Egyptian MP speaking in the Egyptian Parliament, January 2006.
Nonie Darwish in Jamie Glazov, Cracks in the Islamist Curtain, Former Muslims United, 29 January 2010.
Circumstances are not civilization.
Civilization isn’t even necessarily peace.
The U.S. was in a Civil War between 1860 and 1865.
They fought many other wars.
They remained civilized not because people were in good circumstances.
They remained civilized because the rule of law, the economy, government and society did not break down.
Do you really think civilization depends on people’s behavior?
It depends on the nature of the law, society and culture.
Islam is the rule of force and fear.
In Islam, circumstances are civilization because there is no understanding of the rule of law.
In other words, civilization is defined from the top down.
Not from the bottom up.
You mistake people’s actions for civilization, for tradition.
These things are defined not by behavior, but by history.
In Islam the West is Dar al Harb, the Abode of War.
Islam is at war with the West.
Islam has attacked the West and continues to do so.
Self-defence is not only a right: it is a duty.
IP change again…
again Bruh…all of your answers for all of your questions can be addressed by: This is a hub of information from the elite amongst Islam.
In other words you cannot do it yourself, and it is the same vile ahadith. Thanks for proving my points. End of what would be the usual circular conversation. #waronIslam
So you have an elite in Islam? If you are all so wonderful why doesn’t your ‘elite’ look after the starving Muslims in the world instead of leaving it to the infidels who know how to be truly compassionate?
It is without the honour you cherish so much and is a total disgrace that you would rather sweep into the West, criticise your hosts, rape their underage girls and spend vast sums of money on great ugly mosques, so that you can appear pious. You should be feeding the poor in your Ummah. You should be teaching Palestinians how to make their society as good as Israel. You should be providing good housing for the Palestinian people, not encouraging them to blow up their little boys for a god. You are leaving decent Westerners to take care of your people and gloat at how you make us pay up. Just do that you can grovel in an over-grand building and howl to the sky.
“So called” muslims are all that is needed for practical purposes. They are the ones at war, doing jihad attacks at home and abroad. For the victims it is entirely theoretical whether they are good muslims, or proper muslims, or bogus muslims.
Let all the good proper muslims engage in a teaching jihad of their wayward brethren, the ones whom they disown, but who make this tiresome and embarrassing claim. The wayward ones are not going to listen to the kuffar.
Meanwhile the kuffar can concentrate on self-defence.
There are so called muslims who go around and blow themselves up and commit suicide.
These people blow themselves up in the midst of non-Muslims. They believe themselves to be blessed for doing so. They embrace evil as good and good as evil.
But in terms of the violence in the scriptures, you can see why they think they’re right in doing so.
We should all be against these things and put the word out.
The word is out. It’s called Western law, that was made by human beings to be adhered to by human beings.
There are so called Muslim countries that clip the genital of women and brain wash people into thinking that its okay to hurt and kill.
And they do so on the basis of Muslim tradition and history.
We Muslims do not consider Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to be Muslim nor Osama, those killers in control in Syria, Iran, Iraq.
But Ayman al-Zawahiri, Khomeini, Osama Bin Laden and Mohammed Atta all considered themselves to be Muslims, and Muslim leaders at that.
They were read and completely authoritative in the scriptures, traditions and history of Islam.
The Ummah is dead silent and even nods its bowed head as Westerners die at their hands.
Obviously, your vote is for them and against us.
We are not talking about statistics here.
We are talking about Islam and the violent content of the faith and how Muslims practice it against non-Muslims.
Christians account for more than 60% of terrorist crimes on this earth according to
How many Muslims have Christians killed in the last year in the NAME OF CHRIST?
As I’ve written before, how will Muslims ever manage to become human first?
In their own minds, they are superior to everyone who is not Muslim.
I had no idea that holiness was meant to structure life on earth. That sounds like a demonic belief, profane and corrupt to the core.
The nature of holiness is that it is separate from the world and does not control the world.
Muslims deem themselves holy and want to control EVERYTHING.
You are not equal to the president or the prince. You are not like Lebron James.
In my humanity, I am equal to the president, the prince, Lebron James or whoever!
In my humanity, I’m equal to your prophet.
The only difference is that I don’t think he’s any kind of role model, and I don’t worship his revelation.
Again no link.
Nothing precise.
No argument.
I want to know the order of Christians who murdered Muslims in the past year IN THE NAME OF CHRIST!
Now cough up.
So we are more human and humane than anyone else.
An arrogant boast.
And you claim that your faith is holy.
Ye shall judge them by their fruits.
The fruits of Islam are arrogance, conquest and hypocrisy.
So you have an elite in Islam? If you are all so wonderful why doesn’t your ‘elite’ look after the starving Muslims in the world instead of leaving it to the infidels who know how to be truly compassionate?
It is without the honour you cherish so much and is a total disgrace that you would rather sweep into the West, criticise your hosts, rape their underage girls and spend vast sums of money on great ugly mosques, so that you can appear pious. You should be feeding the poor in your Ummah. You should be teaching Palestinians how to make their society as good as Israel. You should be providing good housing for the Palestinian people, not encouraging them to blow up their little boys for a god. You are leaving decent Westerners to take care of your people and gloat at how you make us pay up. Just do that you can grovel in an over-grand building and howl to the sky.
In the last sentence ‘do’ should read ‘so’.
Musa, you ask ‘Did Mohammed beat or steal?’. The answer is yes, he did steal. He killed male Jews and STOLE their wives for sex slaves. He STOLE other people’s lands and goods. He advocated beating women.
He beheaded over 400 men in one day. He had the opposite hands and feet chopped off enemies and then crucified them. This punishment is occurring in Muslim countries today and Muslims gleefully inform us on our tv that this stops crime. Muslims are incapable of detecting what is a real crime.
Mohammed also cut off the opposite hands and feet of enemies, had hot nails thrust into their eyes and left them in the desert without water.
Muslims are taught to follow the example of The Perfect Man. Muslims in Britain want sharia law and all its brutal punishments. The British non-Muslims don’t.
Look into your own heart, Musa and note that your fanatical interest in your bloodthirsty religion is as a result of your repressed sexual desires. You have probably been denied a civilised career, too. You can get help.
In the news squares under Blogroll on these pages, there is an item headed ‘Don’t Condemn Islam’ which says that Mohammed never committed any barbaric act.
The birth of takkya.