Tag: “Reform”

13 Years Later an Ex-Reagan Advisor, Frank Gaffney, Still Does Not Understand Islam!

Wow has time passed by! Nearly a decade ago I penned an article titled “How do you win a war, When you Have no Answers?”. An article which featured quotes by so called experts on the issue of Islam or what some of them call Islamism. A term I refuse to use because it is politically correct terminology that lays cover for the threat of Islam itself.

Clarion & Apostate Ali: Give us More Money so we can Further Mislead the Public

Ever since 911 Western policy has been a futile effort to sort out the so called “good” Muslims from the bad. Which includes the support of so called reformers like Zuhdi Jasser. A policy that is clearly not working across the West though. Because the West is clearly being changed to suit Islam. This policy is just a feel good fantasy which implies that one day we will have a peaceful coexistence with Islam. Which is something much of the public obviously wants to hear. Because most people do not want to fight this perpetual war.

Aposte Hirsi Ali: We Must Reach out to the Reformers

Or in Other Words, Let us Continue With the Islamicide of West

Back in March of 2015 Apostate Hirsi Ali, who I will call Apostate Ali, released a book entitled “Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now”. In response I wrote a three part rebuttal. In it I exposed the fact that she has no answers. Just the usual fantasy of an Islamic reformation. As she is against banning the burqa, against banning all Muslim immigration, against the mass deportations of Muslims, and against banning the Koran.

Thursday: Information Failure Alert! Logan’s Warning on the Vito and Vito Show

I was very excited when Trump won the election, hoping it would be a turning point in the war with Islam. Which up till then had pretty much been a one sided war. As Islam has been at war with non-Muslims for 1400 years.

Sahih Muslim Hadith Book 019, Number 4366:

It has been narrated by ‘Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.

Live Tonight! Logan’s Warning on the America Akbar Show! The Truth Will be Spoken!

Hello friends! Tonight I will be making a return appearance on the America Akbar Show. With the bringers of truth, Gadi Adleman and his partner “in crime” Dee the Crimson Warrior!

From Gadi:

Join us this Thursday as we welcome back Christopher Logan of “Logan’s Warning”. Chris had been our guest back on October 13 and as usual the conversation went way too quick and we didn’t even get to the main topic of ‘Why Islam can never reform’. Chris will be explaining why this can never happen

A Q & A With Dr. Zuhdi Jasser

Well friends,……..this is quite an honor. Sorry, I am trembling in anticipation over this once in a lifetime event. Today we have been invited to spend our afternoon in a Q & A with America’s #1 “reformer” of Islam. Please welcome the one and only Dr. Zuhdi Jasser!!!!! (Applause)

Tommy Robinson: Islam Will NOT Reform

For years I have helped lead the way in negating the dangerous false notion that Islam will reform, and that there will be a peaceful coexistence with Islam. A notion that only helps keep Islam alive. A notion that far too few are willing to counter because it is supported by many of the most prominent names in this.