Update: Mass. Governor Says Yes to all Muslim Demands!

Here is the update to the “Mass: Governor to Hold Massive Mosque Meeting With 1000 Muslims” article. In today’s political climate, this is no surprise though, and if this were not such a serious issue, this would all be comical. In Governor Patrick we have another cowardly politician, that does not even have the sense to think past the day that he is in, and be concerned about his family’s future generations, being forced to live under Islamic rule. To make matters worse, the Muslims disrespected him by ordering him how to answer, and he went with it. What a weakling. Please call or email his office, and voice your anti-Islamic opinion. The contact info can be found HERE. Thank you.

Author Jeff Stein: Tool of Islam

We are having enough problems in the war with Islam, just dealing with Muslims. Then on top of that, we have to deal with naive non-Muslims of the world, that help advance Islam. Muslims constantly play the victim card, and people like Stein fall for it over and over. Stein you are part of the problem. Smarten up.

Muslims Strike Back: “Everybody draw Holocaust day” (30 June 2010)

Like A bunch of bratty children, Muslims have to strike back, and have started an “Everybody draw Holocaust day” Facebook page. What they fail to understand is that if they were not threatening us, that “Everybody Draw Mohammad Day” never would have happened. They just do not know when to stop pushing. The bottom line is that, multiculturalism with Islam does not work, and we are on a collision course with Muslims. Muslim immigration was one of the biggest mistakes, the West has ever made.

Mass: Governor to Hold Massive Mosque Meeting With 1000 Muslims

I have stated over and over, that Islam is a two-tier threat. One being violent Muslims, the other is the political aspect of Islam. The political threat of Islam, is an even bigger threat to life as we know it, than potential suicide bombers. Governor Patrick is meeting with them, and they are coming with a list of demands. A list that will be never ending. Lets face it guys, Muslims are here to takeover, and our Constitution is not protecting us from Islam, it is actually enabling it. The rules need to change, or America will continue to change to suit Islam.